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Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • no, I’m not sure where everyone is getting that ideology. Obviously if there is physical threat move. I’m just saying that moving to a blue state isn’t a permanent solution and it’s just going to fuck them twice over later when the barely red states become fully red states and electoral college allows for a constant 270 for a side that is very very against the concept of it.

    Blue states aren’t even that much better either. I know from first hand experience that Maine, a state that hasent gone red since 1988, still very much has population that is hostile to the same lifestyles, It’s not as bad obviously but, it’s not like the problem disappears by moving. I just personally think deciding to leave the state is cementing the issue to being a permanent one.

    Personally, if moving is a must, instead of going to a blue state you are likely better off leaving the country. At least then your impact will be mitigated when the full red federal laws go into effect.

  • that’s a sticky question, there’s no perfect answer sadly.

    the solution of moving to a blue state is a good short term fix. However it won’t survive a long-term exposure. Eventually the federal level laws will outlaw the state level laws regarding it and their protections in the blue state won’t help them anymore. When that happens the only outcome is all red laws. We are already seeing that with him claiming that he’s going to outlaw abortion period on the federal level, which will overrule state level, an act that currently I believe would make it through the proper channels to actually get implemented as the red party currently holds half (if not all) the legislative, the entire executive, and despite it not being supposed to be possible, the judicial branches.

    In a perfect world, due to everyone dispersing into the red districts, it would saturate the polls in those districts, requiring district remaps via gerrymandering to win. Unless there truly is more red voters then blue, in which case there is no solution to this problem while remaining in the US, the only valid option is either a second civil war, or moving to another country and hoping that it doesn’t spread. Neither options are ideal.

  • Him dropping out wasn’t his biggest mistake. Him choosing to drop out months after the primary process was his biggest downfall. He basically fucked the democratic party because he couldn’t swallow his ego and drop out when it was clear his popularity among the country was dwindling even in the party itself. Every advisor he had said “hey you likely shouldn’t run again” but he stayed, Hell fucking Obama even told him “yo you aren’t going to win this”. His stubbornness to run for a second term is what killed the chances of a democratic win here.

    additional note: I don’t blame him though, like I could not imagine working my entire life up to that moment, and then having to say “I wasn’t the change I wanted to be I need to let someone else take the reins”, it must have been such a blow to his self confidence. The fact that he dropped out at all was a show of strength. I don’t think him dropping out at the point he was in changed the outcome overall, the damage in my eyes was done as soon as he decided to continue with the primaries knowing he was losing support

  • keep in mind this opinion also promises that it can’t be fixed, as the more blue voters that leave the red leaning states the more power those red leaning states have. Moving to a blue leaning state only removes the blue votes from the red leaning state in favor of increasing the power of an already blue state.

    Of course if he somehow manages to find a way to do away with the election process this would be true, but currently the best bet overall is going to be stay in your state, honestly if you can lower solid blue districts in favor of saturating red districts that’s the best option but that’s a difficult task.

    Our system does not operate under popular vote. It runs off the electoral college, its the main reason red states want to gerrymander the district lines to make all black areas be their own district, its less damage if every opponent is in the same district as it allows only one district to be in opposition instead of multiple.

  • Honestly agreed, I think it’s reasonable for a company as big as Delta to have a functioning continuity plan, the fact that it took them over 5 days to come back online is Unforgivable for a service that is detrimental to society like a transportation service.

    Personally speaking I think that the 500 million lawsuit should be thrown out exclusively on that. It is Delta’s inability to properly manage their company’s IT services that exclusively cause this.

    I’m not down playing crowdstrike here, what they did is unforgivable as well because how they manage their software completely bypassed all channels that are meant to prevent shit like this from happening, but every other system was online within two days if that, because they had proper failsafes in place to minimize damages and regain operational status.

    But ultimately, crowd strikes mess up was obviously an error on their end, where Delta not having a proper procedure in place is obviously intentional as having a Disaster Recovery where you lose most of your infrastructure has been IT management 101 for years now.

    Being said, I do not agree that crowdstrike should be allowed to operate in the level that it was allowed to in the first place, and I definitely Embrace Microsoft’s decision to start heading towards locking out access to ring 0 in favor of ring 1 and ring 2. With this decision I’m wondering if intel is going to revise their plans for the new x86S framework to not have ring 1 and 2 and only have 0 and 3

  • You joke but like, they are already pushing a twitch style sub model pretty hard already with the youtube “private sub” system that creators can do, it grants you access to videos that the creator marked as a subscription only, which is basically the same thing, as it shows you the video, and a tiny “sub only” label, and when you try to open it it brings you to the sub page.

    I forsee in the future youtube moving to a fully monetary model with only brand issued content being “free” and everything else requiring youtube premium

  • the content creator isn’t following the proper system then. You don’t need YouTube to do a copyright/IP violation claim. Google is actually opening themselves up to significantly hot water if they are indeed refusing to allow a process for DMCA on creators that are deleted off the platform, as there are severe penalties for not reacting to a DMCA claim when you are a content provider.

    If they actually owned the rights to the videos, that creators first step when learning that Youtube is not going to do anything about the violation, is to manually file it themselves, and honestly they should state that Youtube at that point is intentionally allowing it which would perhaps pull Youtube into it as well

    just because YouTube decides that they aren’t going to do anything, doesn’t invalidate your claim to copyright. I’m surprised that the channel hasn’t seeked legal action against anyone regarding it.

    My two cents on the matter is that it’s likely the channel is worried that their videos aren’t transformative enough fair use wise and that they themselves may get into legal troubles if they attempted to. A lot of commentary artists stay borderline on fair-use and not fair use, however if this was not the case, they have a pretty decent chance of winning that suit.