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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Man, these guys have changed their sound. I didn’t realize they put out a new album. I’ll have to give it a new listen. Honestly A Laughing Death In Meatspace was the last I really got into, but after listening to The Drones and getting such a similar taste, I think a change in direction might be good for them. I like their sensibilities, but maybe got a little tired with their specific sound—which was pretty unique, but doing a unique thing is only unique for so long. Thanks for the post, I’m putting their new stuff in my roto

  • Entirely dependent on the job I’m working. I work in film, so sometimes we’re on a prelight and the day is 12hr, I could work anywhere from four to maybe 10. Then some days were on 10hr shoot days, and I could work maybe 30 min. And then there are days like this week, working a documentary on multiple locations, and I worked a collective maybe 40 min/day (with a 9:30 call and me leaving by 2-3 while getting paid for 12hr).

  • But raising taxes for the richest is a small band aid on a massively flawed system. It’d be like getting a second, even smaller bucket to bail water out of the titanic. After it’s broken in half.

    There are so many incredibly serious problems that higher taxes for the wealthy wouldn’t fix. Liberals tend to cling to this option because it worked back in the 20th century. But capitalism has kept getting more and more “streamlined,” fucking over the working class more and more. Because the concept of endless growth has continued through multiple decades of massive changes to the game that only favored the wealthy, changes to the tax code being one that happened so long ago that it’s an entirely different concept at this point. Outsourcing, vertical integration, the explosion of invasive advertising, data mining, the explosion of privatization, the infestation of private money dictating policy, the infestation of private interests writing policy…this is a small list of the most visible things that have become so entrenched that a wealth tax would almost be nothing.

    That money would get funneled right back into their pockets, even if they somehow let a wealth tax bill through—yeah, they LET a bill through. As you said, a massive stumbling block that only goes to show how deep this problem is.

  • Exactly. Until we put either the heaviest lid on capitalism (never going to happen) or upend the system entirely, UBI will “drive inflation,” meaning we’ll still make the same (or probably somehow less) at our jobs while the UBI money literally just keeps everything at the same affordability. There is no world in which business doesn’t just go after that money. We saw very recently, with the flimsiest of excuses, capitalists will claim “inflation” while pocketing record profits. They’ll do the exact same if UBI is implemented without some massive changes to capitalism.

    Burn it all down. Anyone that still has hopes for fixes that maintain the capitalist system are fooling themselves. We have no other options at this point. It’s either we do it now, or wait until capitalism and the devastating effects of climate change force our hand. At least if we do it now, at our own discretion, we might be able to throw the emergency-emergency brakes on climate change. Otherwise, companies and the capitalists that run them will absolutely watch us all fry from their self-sustaining pod homes that are built in the upper atmosphere to keep the temperature bearable and to stay above the devastating weather events. And they’ll do it without thinking twice.

  • It’s the way history is taught in the US. We gloss over any wrong-doing by US leaders, whitewash American history while discussing pretty openly the failings of other states and forms of government…US educated children are (and I mean this word…literally) LITERALLY brainwashed into thinking that things like the vague concept of “fascism” existing only in Germany in the 30s-40s. If it’s not actual swastikas and red flags on every street corner with Jews being rounded up and killed by the millions…then it can’t be fascism.

    Our education system is severely lacking in a lot of ways, but not knowing how to put history in proper context while explaining how everything that’s happened has led to today and the exact conditions we are in now is one of its gravest failures.

    Not to mention, painting capitalism—a system that breeds people to viciously live in spite of others—as infallible and the final and only answer. That’s another horrible heavy dose of indoctrination that is just treated as a given.

  • Since changing from Reddit to Lemmy, I’m absolutely pulling out my phone to browse mindlessly far less. And I’m back to reading articles in full.

    I’m not sure even what it is about Reddit that made the app much more addictive. BecauseI was all third party since I was on Reddit, so I didn’t get the “recommended” Bullshit. Maybe it was the really specifically (self) tailored endless feed whereas with Lemmy I’m browsing all instances, a bunch of weird shit pops up that when an article I’m actually interested in comes across, I’m all in.

    But I was also never on social media besides Reddit, so I wasn’t filling a void? I dunno

  • That definitely shouldn’t be half a joke. Almost all American campaign fundraising is a joke and a scam. Not o mention the current laws protecting dark money and the massive loopholes for funneling money. Everything that shady ass campaign did with their fundraising and the hoards of thieves teeming in the halls of any and every trump campaign office, the only violation was him using a check to pay off a porn star. And that only had any repercussions because it was such a tawdry story with such stupid criminals openly admitting to their crimes on record. Like…I guarantee you way worse shit has been done with way more campaign cash. It just isn’t actually prosecuted (along with almost all other white collar crime in the US since the 80s).

  • Polydextrous@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worlddsfsdfdsfsdfasd
    11 months ago

    Not to mention, Spotify is putting ads in white noise content? Kinda…destroys the entire concept, no?

    There is so much about this story that makes me hate modern society. How is more of this content still being created? Why are there ads? Spotify can destroy peoples livelihood on a whim?

    Although, I did find the part where someone with podcast “didn’t want to call attention to their show” pretty funny.

  • Yes, the trend of making more and more mentally disruptive technology has been continuing. Yes, capitalists have managed to make more and more effective attention/brain drains…that’s exactly what we’re saying.

    The kids “adapt” in that the world has changed and kids have no choice but to live in the world they grew up in. It doesn’t mean the above things aren’t true. It just means things change, and I dunno about you, but I don’t see things moving in the most positive direction. Angrier people, less and less able to have nuanced discussions, people becoming more entrenched and hostile about their views, more instances of thinking people with differing opinions are “evil…”—that shit is in large part due to social media, not to mention network news (both “advancements” of the exact type were discussing).I mean, shit, look how much radio has changed. From old timey radio broadcasts with the family sitting around the fire hearing tales of Redd McGibbon and Bullet to fuckin Howard stern making strippers do math so people can laugh at them and goddamn Rush Limbaugh. See what we’re saying?