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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Heck, right now, in this same Lemmy: https://lemmy.world/post/14467149

    All about how Biden’s administration is expanding the Federal TItle IX protections:

    The Biden administration on Friday will announce changes to Title IX, expanding protections for LGBTQ+ and pregnant students while overhauling controversial Trump-era guidance around how schools handled sexual assault cases.

    And here people are acting like they do nothing.

    Did we magically become a far left utopia? Of course fucking not. But Biden has been far more effective and progressive than I ever expected of him having grown up watching him. Does everything take far longer than it should? Yep, welcome to politics where one side is trying to tear down everything (quite literally) as it’s being built. Are things as progressive as I’d like? No of course not, but they’re frequently more progressive than I expected. That’s the unfortunate truth of how things get done.

    And for all the people who are basically saying “I voted once and all my dreams failed to come true”, welcome to your civic duty. Vote the best way you can every election, especially local ones, and realize you’re trying to guide things through your entire lifetime not just 4 years and done.

  • Oh agreed. I think (if I’m right, I’m not a lawyer just a programmer who reads all this from a highly Apple centric technical background) it would make for a much improved messaging experience. Like this with RCS, I don’t care if Apple implements it themselves. I do think the carriers apps should though and those messages should just show up like any others in Messages. Same with say WhatsApp providing its messages. Ideally they’d handle their own encryption/keys/requirements basically externally to Messages itself, like many of the other apps that provide system wide extensions do.

    Anyway here’s hoping 🤷‍♂️

  • People keep getting messages the app and iMessage the protocol confused. While never written that way (as far as naming goes), I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the EU isn’t just saying that Messages the app doesn’t just need hooks to allow third party apps to integrate into the one interface. It’s about adding more bubble colors as it were. So stuff like WhatsApp would just pop up in the same feed over whatever protocol it uses.

  • You seem to be trying to lump all problems into a single one-size-fits-all solution. So let’s address things one at a time instead.

    If you drive more than my car’s range can handle in a day, don’t buy the same car as me. There are EVs with much higher ranges, or quicker charge times, and many other variables. There’s very likely one that has the range a given person needs (cost we’ll leave as a distinct other issue, but only because by the time ICE vehicles aren’t for sale any more the much higher ranges on EVs will also be much more affordable).

    If you live an hour away from civilization, then unless you also have no electricity (in which case, EVs are not for you… but as others have said, just keep the ICE vehicle you have, there’ll be a used market for decades), those folks are going to have an outlet or be able to install an outlet to do charging on. The “hour away from everyone else on the planet” people are not the same people as the “no garage, not even a parking space” people.

    If you live in a city (no garage or parking space, that likely means a urban environment), you’re going to have chargers you can swing by once a week to fast charge (city people rarely have the long commutes that rural folk have), heck in my own urban environment we have some cheap ($2/hr) city owned parking lots nearby that have fast chargers for free as part of parking there.

    By 2030, you’ll have a robust market of used EVs, and likely a few on that market that are both much more affordable, and can check off the boxes needed for a given individual. Will every EV work for every person? No of course not, but that’s not true of ICE vehicles either.