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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The important thing is people can’t just casually reprogram the damned thing.

    having an ability to diagnose and correct without cracking your head open is fine, but it has to be a way that’s 'you’re giving positive affirmation that you’re OK with it or a medical professional is physically having to plug a thing in or on or … just so it can’t be ‘oh hey yo ustepped through these induction plates. we turned your anti-siezure chip off due to your non-compliance.’

  • Given a descendant of this technology has the potential for seizure moderation, which is something my sister basically will need as the medication she uses will inevitably require doses that would destroy her liver or leave her all but vegetative. It’s super interesting from a technical aspect and hyper-relevant.

    However, given Musk’s antics especially as of late? I wouldn’t trust him to not accidentally intentionally kill people, or use it as a way to have an unremovable keylogger with the end goal of ‘Oh those are some nice eyes you’ve got there,’ or ‘lovely able to live without going into convulsions isn’t it? It’d be a shame if that changed.’

  • I come from the era of the BBS. The PHP Forum. SlashDot, and Digg. I come from online games ranging from EverQuest, to Multiverse Crisis MUSH, to Moments in Tyme, to Warframe, and More. I have walked messenger clients from the times of AiM, IRC and Yahoo, to Skype, Steam, and Discord.

    In my thirty years of being online, this is not the first petty tyrant claiming that upset users are the problem rather than taking a long hard look in the mirror. This will not be the last.

    The best we can do is grab popcorn and watch as his platform dies. He won’t admit to making any mistakes. Especially with money involved because he’s under the deluded belief that showing any weakness invites a price drop from investors. Yet this behavior? It REEKS of weakness and insecurity.

    Migrate and Move On. the rest is just playing u/spez’s game.