• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • The 2nd version (your first RAW) edit seems the most natural to me.
    It has a slight green cast. Thought that may be accurate with trees overhead out of frame.

    Most people will probably prefer the original JPEG, because it’s got lower black levels, and more color saturation. But it’s just a little over done for my taste. Somewhere between that and your first edit would be the sweet spot I think.

    The auto WB just looks wrong. I think it’s overcompensating for the green cast, now it’s too pink.

    At these scaled down resolutions, we can’t see the difference in noise reduction.
    But at bright daylight ISO levels I doubt you need any. Maybe just a little color noise reduction if you’d like.

  • Lots of people think the US social media platforms do that. But none of the scientific studies have been able to show it.
    The US companies are all purely driven by engagement, to maximize profit. The most effective source of that engagement, changes from person to person. But it’s most commonly what you might call “Rage Bait”.

    Twiter’s recent bend toward the right, is primarily self selection of it’s users. As the left… left… the platform, the pool of available content shifted right; Causing even more to leave. Unless you have some paper I haven’t seen.

    And Facebook selling data, is entirely different and unrelated. Nobody (no lawmakers) care about that.

  • The thing is, nothing is permanent in an absolute sense. (Maybe logic, but that’s about it)
    So in a world where everything changes, what does permanent mean? It can only mean reasonably mean, “without predetermined end.” Not that it won’t end, because everything does eventually.

    So Temporary must be that which does have predetermined end time.

    Since Provisional does not have a predetermined end, but does include an explicit indication of eventually ending, it is both permanent and temporary.

    You made this thread to ask a question, got answered.

    Not really. A couple of people tried to answer it. One did quite well. You and yours are all simply saying I’m wrong, and my question is invalid; Simply because for your entire life I imagine, Ban has always been used this way. But some 20 or 30 years ago, I can promise you (so can a few others here) it wasn’t that way.