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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024


  • Phone calls between the two men were increasingly turned into shouting matches, according to one of the officials and one other senior official not authorized to discuss private conversations. Biden told confidants that he did not believe his Israeli counterpart wanted a cease-fire deal, arguing that Netanyahu was trying to perpetuate the conflict to save his political future and assist Trump in November’s election, the officials said."

    Assuming that this is true and the fact that Biden did absolutely nothing to stop this just goes to show you how weak of a man he is. He’s president of the richest country and commander in chief to the most powerful military in human history. If all it takes is political influence from one little colony halfway around the world to lose control of a situation when you can literally play the deck in your favor then you’re not a strong leader. You’re just spineless.

  • The United Nations, international human rights organizations and many legal scholars regard the Gaza Strip to still be under military occupation by Israel.[13] The International Court of Justice reaffirmed this position, stating that the occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip are unlawful and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians violate the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid. The ICJ rejected the claim that Gaza was no longer occupied following the 2005 disengagement, on the basis of Israel’s continued control over the Gaza Strip.[106][107]

    In Jaber Al-Bassiouni Ahmed v. The Prime Minister, the Israeli Supreme Court assumed that occupation had ended with the disengagement but did not explain the theory or facts that led to this conclusion.[108][109] After the disengagement, Israel claimed that its occupation of Gaza had ended, but also acknowledged that Gaza was not a sovereign state. It labeled Gaza as a “hostile entity,” a status that neither grants Palestinians the right to self-governance and self-protection, nor obliges Israel to protect Gaza’s civilian population. Israel uses this argument to deny Palestinians of full self-governance as well as the use of military force to suppress any resistance to Israeli control.[110]

    I don’t need to explain it in my words since more qualified people did a much better job explaining it and I have yet to see any kind of fact, source, or piece of information which would lead me to believe the above is incorrect.