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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Stop confusing democrats/liberals with leftists.

    Democrats will probably almost universally agree that he’s been a good president. Tribalism is a hell of a drug.

    It’s the leftists that won’t. And speaking as a leftist, he’s done a lot better than I thought he was going to. He ended up pushing for more progressive ideas than I thought he would. Good for him. He’s been stymied by the courts and his own party on some of them. And that why I, as a leftist, think the democratic party is still (less) trash. They had a majority for two years. Did some stuff. Could have done more. You can be all “but but Manchin/Sinema” all you want, but I’ll bet all the money in my pocket against all the money in your pocket, than if Manchin and Sinema were to announce that yes, they’d vote to abolish the filibuster, there would be two other democratic senators who would come out and say no. And that’s fine as it relates to their world view. They’re liberals. They’re not leftists.

  • I was listening to a podcast about AI. I think it was one of Ezra Kleins. And he was telling a story that he heard, bout those weird virtual reality games from the 90s or early Aughts. And people shat on those games because they were awful and clunky and not very good so that shitting was well deserved. But one guy was like “yeah, that’s all true. But this is the worst it’s going to be. The next iteration isn’t going to be worse than this.”

    And that’s where AI is now. Like, it’s powerful and already a threat to certain jobs. GPT 3/4 may be useless to software engineering jobs now (I’d argue that it’s not - I work in a related field and I use it about daily) but what about GPT 5? 6? 10?

    Im not as doom and gloom on AI as I was six months ago, but I think it’s a bit silly to think that AI isn’t going to cause massive upheaval across all industries in the medium to long term.

    But also, for the record, I’m less worried about AI than I am about AI in the hands of Capitalism.

  • Aha, that’s fair. I got a friend to join my PF2e campaign by saying “the mechanical building blocks are all the same. Roll a d20 and a number, total determines success.” which is, I think, an accurate description despite what a lot of PF2e players will say.

    That being said, you have any suggestions for someone who likes the the tactical nature and crunch of PF2e and doesn’t really have an interest in rules light or narrative driven games (my hot take: narrative drive exists independent of rule set - you can have a narrative driven PF2e game or any other rule system). I feel like Lancer or 13th Ave are probably the most likely candidates, but wondering if there are others.

  • I’m not terribly hopeful. I’m an older millennial. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve watched my friends grow up, get jobs, have kids, move to the suburbs, etc. They got a little bit of what’s theirs (obviously not enough, but still) and they want to protect it. They vote to protect their investment in their house and to keep their school district good. They’re nowhere near fascist like the current crop of republican politicians, but they’re scared and that leads them to voting more small c conservatively. You and I both know that republican policies are trash and that the values espoused in theory by the democratic party are better for them. But they finally made it. They’re prizing stability or better, because change is scary.

    Will the super racist republican party base die out? Maybe. Probably. But they’re just going to be replaced by center right democrats. Sure, that’s better, but not so much better that it’ll fix all the problems we have. Maybe the gen-Zers can do something about it, but I’m afraid their political power will be dwarfed by the sheer size of the Millennial generation.