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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Is it? I don’t remember seeing a guy running for Congress that promised he’d prevent huge corporations from running rough shod over everything.

    People like saying stuff like “just vote better”, but the fact is the vast majority of people that run for any office are pro-big business because that’s their background and the lobbyists give them lots of money to get elected. Where’s the anti-big business guy going to get his money to run? And without money, you sure aren’t winning.

    Through lobbying, corporations have us all by the balls. It doesn’t matter what side of the isle you’re on; both sides have basically been endorsed by big money.

  • I wonder if we’re wrong to group entertainment and physical goods into the same category though. They’re wildly different things.

    If I make you a pair of shoes, I need to charge you money to account for my time, my effort, and the materials it took to make them. If I make a thousand shoes, it doesn’t scale; the price per shoe has to stay the same.

    If I write an ebook, I would charge for the time and effort it took to write it, but there’s no material charge. It scales entirely differently because I can make a billion ebooks for the same cost as one.

    Considering that, the old way of thinking that I should be able to resell an ebook like some shoes I bought doesn’t seem to apply logically. We’re buying entertainment, not physical goods. I don’t bitch that I can’t resell the experience of going to a concert, so why do I bitch (and I do) that I can’t resell digital media?

    I just wish the publishers would price media accordingly. If they all worked out a deal with stremio to get ten cents whenever I streamed a movie, I wouldn’t think twice. But instead I need to sign up with multiple services and pay $20 to stream one, and I just realized I’m bitching to the choir so I’ll end there.