• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not the other poster but a Canadian too. It varies. To see my GP I can get an appointment within the week, usually same day, though most people here need to wait a couple weeks. Then there GP refers me to specialists, that’s usually between 1-6 months wait.

    Emergency yeah you are usually looking at 4 hours wait absolute minimum. Though you don’t get charged for it at least. Though I guess it depends on severity, they will prioritize by how serious it is not by first arrival.

    The other thing the other poster didn’t mention is that medication is not covered so you have to pay full for that unless you have insurance. Also for some reason dental isn’t covered at all without insurance (or I think recently for low income families but I’m not 100% sure if that’s implemented yet or not)

  • I do mostly portage camping so try to keep my weight down. I’m pretty happy with doing cowboy coffee over my stove, but I use a modified James Hoffman’s french press technique:

    • Boil water, add coffee. Add lid, wait ~5 minutes.
    • Stir and scoop out foam floating on top. Return lid, wait ~5 minutes.
    • In one single pour, pour coffee from pot into another pot, watching that the sediment remains behind.
    • Pour from second pot into cups to serve.

    I find doing this I get a really clean cup with practically no sediment, and don’t need to bring any additional equipment with me.