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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t know how the original poster meant it, but one possible way to interpret it (which is coincidentally my opinion) is that the concept of intellectual property is a scam, but the underlying actual legal concepts are not. Meaning, the law defines protections for copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets, and each of those has their uses and are generally not “scams,” but mixing them all together and packaging them up into this thing called intellectual property (which has no actual legal basis for its existence) is the scam. Does that make sense?

  • For someone who bitches all over this thread about people strawmanning their position, this is a pretty fucking great reply.

    Hint: one can be pissed about people throwing around the not-based-in-legal-reality term “intellectual property.” One can be pissed about people using it as part of a strategy to purposely confuse the public into thinking that copyright infringement is the same as theft, a strategy which has apparently worked mightily well on you. One can be all of those things, and yet still feel that copyright infringement is wrong and no one should be entitled to “literally everything someone else creates.”

    What you posted was a textbook definition of a straw man.

  • You say “ask the dictionary” — multiple dictionary definitions as well as Wikipedia say that theft requires the intent to deprive the original owner of the property in question, which obviously doesn’t apply to copyright infringement of digital works.

    You say “ask the law” — copyright infringement is not stealing, they are literally two completely different statutes, at least in the US.

    So, what the hell are you talking about? Copyright infringement is not theft.

  • Sorry if my post was confusing. The first point was referring to cables for iPhones before the latest iPhone 15 models — previously, you’d get a cable that was standard USB-C on one end, and Lightning (the proprietary connector) on the other. You could use those cables along with any standard USB-C charging brick to charge the phone. My point was that the charging brick does not need to be proprietary, and the proprietary part (the cable) was included with the phone.

    All iPhone 15 models use completely standard USB-C and come with a C to C cable in the box.

  • Which part would you like a citation for? I am happy to provide.

    The part I quoted: that “the universe formed itself and all matter, presumably from a state of non-being.” I take particular issue with 1) the “formed itself” language, because it sounds a bit like you’re referring to the universe as an entity that can act of its own accord, which I don’t believe is correct, and 2) “presumably from a state of non-being,” because it sounds like you believe science has actually established that there was likely a “state of non-being,” when I don’t know that a “state of non-being” is even something that makes any sense to discuss in a scientific manner. So if you had citations to corroborate the entire statement, that would be ideal.

    Edit: and your second paragraph strays pretty far from the original topic of reincarnation. Yes, in a many-worlds interpretation of the cosmos, there are infinitely many copies of me, and an infinite number of them have put their hands through walls as if by magic. But this is pretty different from the commonly-accepted concept of reincarnation, in that you aren’t saying that we are reborn again only when we die, but rather that we exist in infinitely many universes simultaneously.

  • Lastly, Science tells us that the universe formed itself and all matter, presumably from a state of non-being.

    [citation needed]

    If “you” can form once, is it so absurd to believe that it could happen twice? If twice, why not an infinite number of times?

    I don’t believe it’s impossible. But I’d put the odds of the exact same atoms arranging themselves in the exact same way so as to form another “you” in roughly the same ballpark as me being able to touch the palm of my hand to a 6" thick wall and have it pass right through. Both my hand and the wall are mostly empty space, so it’s possible for the atoms to all align in the correct way for it to happen, but the odds are infinitesimally small.

  • Obviously you can’t prove it one way or another. That’s the whole point. Are you new?

    Nope, I’m old.

    But I prefer not to base my life choices on things that are unprovable, and one of us has claims that are backed by at least some amount of evidence (the existence of missionaries, documentation of brainwashing techniques used by the particular church that OP belongs to, documentation of the financial motivations driving said church to continue brainwashing people, the sheer utter logical ridiculousness of the specific claims of that church), and the other does not. So I’ll continue taking the default, rational, skeptical position, until there is sufficient evidence to do otherwise.

  • You can of course believe whatever you want, but please don’t tell me what I believe, because you’re clearly confused.

    I will make this as clear as I can: I absolutely do not make the claim that there is no god. For each of the positive claims for a particular god that I’ve heard, I don’t believe the claims meet their burden of proof. Think of it like a jury in a courtroom: for each god claim I’ve heard presented, thus far I have found that deity “not guilty” of existing. This is not at all the same as asserting that no gods exist.

    There are plenty of specific gods that are claimed to exist (Zeus, for example) where I do assert that particular god doesn’t exist. But there are other god claims (a deistic god, for example) where I don’t feel the proposition presented is falsifiable. For that reason, while I do not believe those claims meet their burden of proof, I also feel I cannot honestly assert that the deity doesn’t exist.

    The presence of even one deity in the “unfalsifiable” category, IMHO, prevents me from making the claim “no gods exist.” But I am still an atheist, because I hold no theistic beliefs.

    Hope this makes sense.