• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I have no problem with democrats ‘sticking together’ as far as voting blue next election, but don’t sit back after you’ve done that.

    The seeds for fascism in the USA are the same ones that were in Germany when Hitler rose - rampant inequality and poverty leading to desperate people leading to christian nationalism, and later fascism. I hate to break it to you but a Democratic party with no one to the left of them has no incentive to fix the root problems, and every incentive to stay on the take and then escape to their favorite country with their wealth if they push it too far.

    Campaign finance reform, election reform, labor reform … pick a cause and find some friends. We cannot have a democracy without working for it. Fascism will rise in the absence of effort.

  • I’m not on twitter and never was, but I’m not silly enough to think billionaires don’t shape my world in a million fucking ways with their unilateral decisions. Elon here has a HUGE one recently in deciding to disable starlink during a Ukraine offensive.

    Trying to assist his rich buddies with fucking with the union is a lower tier crime but still its fuckery that affects a lot of people.

    Then we’ve got other rich asshats selling state secrets for money.

    Billionaires are a liability and everyone needs to realize it.

  • Authoritarian attitudes was the #1 predictor of Trump support if I recall.

    I haven’t lived through an authoritarian regime, but I lived through a terrible parent - so I’ve experienced the feeling of ‘oh shit the structure that governs my life is fucked up and I must escape’. I think that’s what made me anti-authoritarian.

    I often wonder if there’s a way to get people to shift away from authoritarianism. I think I get the appeal of ‘simple, easy, you don’t even have to think for yourself!’ - but everyone needs to recognize those are trap cards.