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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Paraglider pilot here, so I landed among the cow my fair share of times.

    Cows are curious but shy, if you walk slowly they might come to have a look, if they get too close, something like clapping your hands is enough to have them running away. However, if the farmer didn’t took the veals the yet, they can be pretty agressive to protect their kids, in that case forgot what I said about “clapping your hand” and stay away from the herd. Note also that bull are less shy than cow.

  • Renters rights legislation with enough teeth to make present and perspective landlords, both corporate and individual, think twice before not taking care of a property as though they lived there? (

    Isn’t it mostly an issue on the US side of the pond (and in other third worlds countries). I believe that most European countries have minimum standards regarding renter right, it’s not perfect (and reality is that changing a furnace takes weeks). But every time I read about US feel likes dystopia.

  • From a European perspective (I use car/bicycle/train/longboard), a few pointers rather than a pro-con/list

    • The more people use a bicycle, even casually, The more it put pressures on local politician to do something

    • For short distances (<5km) in town, it’s faster than the car

    • Gloves are more important than helmet, on the couple of fall I got, gloves protected my hands, while my head didn’t hit. However, if you’re in a severe accident a helmet can make the difference so I still recommend one.

    • Beware of your clothe, if you wear black, at night, without lights, you call for problem, and I can see how even good faith motorists can hit you.

    • Paint isn’t infrastructure but at least remind the motorists that you have the right to be there. I can see how the mayor call the infrastructure director and ask them for bike lane without any budget, but it sucks

    • Be a bit agressive, and look for eye-contact before passing between car, keep distance from parked car, they can open a door, If you don’t think a car can pass you with a safe distance (small urban streets) stay in the middle of the road, and stop to the side when you can to let the car pass you.

    • A backpack, or bike pack helps a lot carrying groceries, not really an excuse

    • The problem isn’t that much the winter (unless you live on a really cold place) but the rain, good clothe can help, but still.

  • Summer

    • No need for rain-clothe, or warm clothe

    • Outdoor activities are possible without damaging the gear due to the humidity, and if you like water even outdoor swim became possible

    • Having sunlight up to 22 or even 23 is pretty great, you can have a late dinner outdoor, or get some beers in the parks with your friends. It’s also safer to come back home, especially if you ride a bicycle or are a woman.

    • Many people are in holidays, so things are quieter

  • The last summer before the “brexit” I went to scotland, one of the classic hike there is going atop the Ben nevis mountain. Even though in summer it’s not a complicated hike, I still bought a paper map to not be yet another tourist lost in the mist, I have a limited trust in mobile phone map in outdoor activity, especially when the weather isn’t optimal.

    Question was triggered as I stumbled open that map when sorting some stuff on my bookshelves.

  • It’s not perfect, and an overly complex workflow, but after many attempts, time is running-out so here it is


    *I wanted something about the contrast between the youth finishing to party when the workers are already up, think about the Il Est 5h, Paris, s’éveille (I couldn’t find english subs for the original)

    I started with a naive prompt like A city at night,in an almost empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe leave the scene at left, while an old man in work clothe walks in opposite direction at the right and got something like a couple with a huge age gap. (And for the lol, that prompt is too NSFW for bing AI)

    Not what I want, so I went for inpainting, started with

    A modern city, late at night, dawn is coming,in an empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe walks away, photography in real visionXL getting the lady I was looking for

    Used inpainting An old man cleans the street getting an awful old man,

    To get a decent garbage man, I went into img2img with A modern city, late at night, dawn is coming,in an empty street, A young girl in clubbing clothe walks away, an old man cleans the street I feel like I could have generate a few dozen extra images to choose, but I still want to do something this afternoon, so times runs out, let call-it a day.