• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s basically been in process for decades. Pipes in the ground can last 50 years, so replacement of ones put in the ground in the early 80s are due to be replaced now. Each state has a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program that gets funding from the EPA to replace waterlines. Until recently, the money has been focused on the oldest or most needed projects (some of which are lead), but this recent push has aimed to target specifically all lead lines in the ground.

  • The ubiquity of AI fakes will necessitate a cultural shift. Honestly, the world is going to be a nightmare of misinformation soon and nudes may very well be the least of our worries.

    What other options do we have? An ironclad verification system for any fabricated content? Wildly harsh penalties for all caught creating it? The ship has sailed - we won’t be able to prevent it from happening.

    I’d argue that overexposure will make people quickly become accustomed/nonplussed at information we don’t believe to be true and verify with the source. Look at how we treat other fabricated content - if I showed you a screencap of the Pope saying “Fuck” you’d want to verify with a source directly.