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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • You present a false dichotomy. Yes, things like uncompressed audio and HD video take up more storage space, but that does not negate that modern commercial software is very inefficient with how it uses resources. You could improve the efficiency of the system while keeping HD video, it is not a mutually exclusive choice.

    For example, booting up Windows and doing nothing takes up 4gb of RAM, while doing the same with a lean Linux installation would take up a quarter of that, despite both operating systems having identical functionality (run web browser, open applications, edit documents, play games, etc).

  • True, but that all exists on a spectrum, and a law which prohibits all children from using a device because you don’t want your kid using that device and they’ll get bullied if they’re the only one, seems a little excessive. Might as well ban expensive sneakers or shiny pokemon cards too.

    The root of the issue is parents controlling how much their child uses a device, and you just cannot legislate that away. Even if it was 100% illegal, you think parents wouldn’t let kids use the devices in their home if it made things easier? “Just ban it” never works, you need to incentivize alternate behavior.

  • it’s like you only read half of the comment and raced to post this reply…

    Nice ad hominem, thank you for putting your poor faith on display right away, but no, I was merely just addressing the points as presented.

    the reason why you need more than 5 rifle rounds, IS NOT about stopping power

    So why did they say the rifle needed more than the handgun?

    It’s about giving you more than enough chances to land hits

    So the numbers should be the same then, no?

    Precise shooting in a stressful environment is really fucking hard, your heart is hammering your hands are shaking, you realize this could be the end. All of these factors heavily affect shooting ability in the moment.

    Which is dangerous for anyone nearby.

    you are making a lot of assumptions here, like assuming it’s home defense shooting 556 or the like

    Seems like you’re the one making assumptions, champ, all I implied is higher caliber, because I don’t think people often refer to .22 carbines as rifles.

    What happens when you’re out in the wilderness and end up in a face off with a bear or a cougar? There are so many complex settings and situations and here you are framing the conversation as if this only applies to defending your bedroom or hallway.

    Okay, so how many shots do you think you need for a bear, or for a cougar? Because even if you’re squeezing your trigger as fast as possible, a cougar is gonna be able to finish you before you finish your 30 round mag.

    Not every home defenser has 5.56 or .300blk. Plenty of “assault weapons” that shoot pistol calibers

    oh cute, a nice little strawman to finish with, almost needed a reminder that you were a bad faith actor. Didn’t say anything about assault weapons though, scare quotes were cute though, definitely keep that up.