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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I don’t really get people saying fuck Nintendo. It’s their IP, and Yuzu team was pretty blatant it’s made for piracy

    Because a significant percent of people have always seen IP as theft and IP lawsuits as shakedowns. Real Talk - IP was codified to solve one problem (it wasn’t casual piracy, it was inventors being ripped off by evil businesses), and it made that problem worse. We should’ve just thrown it out from there and tried something else, but then the evil businesses convinced the soccer moms that their little Billy listening to Metallica on Napster was everything wrong with this country.

    It’s not what you do when you try to stay under the radar

    And people walked down the street smoking pot in my state before it was legalized. We still said “FUCK the war on drugs” when they got harassed by cops.

  • Pretty much. I’m a progressive. Specifically, a socdem. I fully acknwledge that most people don’t want what I want. The fact that one side is giving me a seat at the table and offering me some progress and concessions means the world to me.

    and when Trump eventually dies, I might be more sympathetic to a discussion about the progressive bloc holding out for a platform shift to the left

    I won’t hold my breath, though. The Left is what… 13% of Democrats? If the Republicans fully died and the Democrats split, we Progressives would have to find allies to even win an election. Changing hearts takes time, and we’ve backpedaled a long way since the early 90’s.

  • She was specifically asked if she had a conversation with Bernie where he said a very specific sentence. Nobody knows where the media got that information, but she answered truthfully and moved on. Then Bernie denied it up and down and turned it political.

    How do we know who told the truth? Because they hot-micced her at the end trying to talk to him, shocked at how he accused her of lying on national TV.

    If one had anything bad to say about Warren it’s that she didn’t know how to fight dirty anymore than Mcain did in his campaign. I’d buy that.

  • In fairness, if 2020 had fallen differently Warren could’ve done it. If Bernie had backed her as a VP candidate instead of running, there was a solid shot they could’ve beaten Biden. She actually was leading the betting odds for “president” when the 2024 campaign began.

    Warren had the opposite of what the Clintons had. She was a constantly progressive voter who could rally the moderate vote of a Harvard-trained law professor with a no-nonsense mindset.

    She was also Obama-level known (unknown to common voters, but known to people who paid attention) so there wasn’t years of hate-news on her. The worst they could get was a true story about her having Native American ancestors that was intentionally blown out of proportion. That’s some Tan Suit shit there.

  • Just because he has convinced himself that he is the only one that can beat Trump doesn’t make it true.

    An unpopular president typically does better than a popular candidate. That’s just how encumbancy works.

    In fact I would argue that him running again is somewhat selfish.

    Screw stats and precedent? Would you feel the same way if your favorite candidate ran and Trump crushed them by historic margins?

    Why have we let ourselves get into the position we are in.

    Because we’re a party of compromise, and the other side is a party fo extremism. Our compromise involved someone with a lot of bullet points in his favor for our older voters while still appealing to enough of our younger voters.

  • I mean…no. Her campaign was arguably the polar opposite of that to her detriment. She said she wanted to do something. Then she wrote up a detailed plan for it and published it, letting the other candidates find something in the details they didn’t like and tear it apart.

    She’s a policy wonk who is a law professor first and a politician second.

    I never saw anyone call her a secret Republican

    There were a lot of “grassroots” youtube videos that came out and took lines of hers out of context. They would softball questions like “Warren is just as good as Bernie because they vote the same a lot, right? WRONG! Warren is a capitalist pretending to be progressive to steal your vote”. And those grassroot video efforts started to trace back to Sanders campaign leadership. Nobody ever quite confirmed if Bernie directly knew his campaign was doing it, but the rule is usually that the campaign’s action sare the candidate’s responsibility.

  • You say “better options” but a clear majority of Democrats thought Biden was the better option. And all the other candidates that anyone took seriously are in the same age range as them. Nobody younger knocked on the door with a platform really worth backing. Buttigieg had no Federal chops whatsoever, Harris was a freaking prosecutor.

    Or if you’re just talking “better in general”, then you’re talking about the Progressives war. Bernie still hasn’t realized he’ll never win a Primary, and the way his campaign sabotaged and undercut Warren’s with necessary voting demographics was a killshot. Grassroot movements to call her a secret Republican. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  • . I use MediaMonkey since v0.1

    I think that’s one of the ones I tried. It’s just more convenient to have unlimited access to music, whether I own it or not.

    as she runs into walls now when the system is down because there is no light.

    What do you do for lights? Like motion/position detection into each room? Or voice control?

    I’ve wanted to get into automation several times, and I’m never settled enough in a house to spend the money. There’s always some reason we want to move and I don’t want to do all that permanent work to move. I even worked at an IoT company for a few years on backend and embedded code, so I have literally no excuse…

    At least we have that mandatory 14-days-return-policy.

    Not sure where that is. That would be nice (except that they could reduce the cashback anyway). Consumer Protections these days have been eroding in the US. Even our so-called consumer protection laws have landmines to protect the businesses.

  • I’ve used playnite a few times. I always forget about it for some reason or another. Gog has a built-in tool like playnite and I fail to use that, too.

    Still do that. For over 25yrs I nourish my library. Just the MP3s made room for FLACs.

    I still have it somewhere I’m sure, but I really gave up on it, for the convenience of youtube music of all things. Literally every song I ever had including a couple super-obscure albums I’d lost. And it’s SO convenient. It just works for me everywhere I want it.

    Yeah ok, I get that. I’ve got 2 servers running 24/7 with proxmox/hyper-v, so those tools all run in seperate VMs. But especially in this case, it’s practically no maintenance

    Every time I mean to start setting up servers, some reason (or my wife) talk me out of it. I’m jealous. It’s on my bucket list. I’m the only guy I know who has run server clusters professionally who has never had his own.

    I must say that i’m in the warez-scene since the early 90s and I never had a virus-problem.

    I have had a couple over the years; usually use the “nuke and restart” solution. Only one was REALLY major and I was never sure whether it was software or a dumb family member. My password-protected screenshare app went live one day and started buying Chinese gift cards with a clearly automated script. Thank god someone was in the office when it happened and they only got through a couple hundred dollars before we pulled the plug and called our bank.

    You won’t see that elsewhere here. No way. First you gotta prove it wasn’t YOU that broke it at home. I could on for hours…

    I know resellers hate Amazon returns, but they agree to them. I will literally make buying decisions based on the presence or lack of the “Free Returns” flag. I would literally pay for “return insurance” if AllState started to do that, too. I hate return hassles.

  • I agree completely. That’s a better use of time than passing a law that will have little to no positive effect on gun control and only hurts the poor.

    Just because a bill says a certain phrase doesn’t mean we need to support it. A Gun Control law that says “White people get to take black people’s guns” is not a good law. A Gun Control law that says “Gun ownership is punishable by death” is not a good law.

    A law that says “you have to buy this insurance prohibitive to poor people but not rich to people” is not a good law.

    The only thing worse than “a lot more guns” is “a lot more guns in the hands of only certain classes of people who already have too many”