Synth noodling conceptual artist

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Oh no, I get you. I think we are a similar age.

    I was at the Reading Festival in '96 and I think offspring were playing.

    There was a slightly older guy stood in the middle of the crowd shouting, you call this punk… This ain’t punk. This ain’t shit.

    The kids were laughing at him.

    This week in Glasgow Green Day played a gig and all I saw was middle aged men and their daughters wearing matching merch t-shirts.

    I’m assuming at some point I travel back in time to '96 to try to stop this.

  • I mean this in the most positive way… I don’t believe you until you can show us how you did it

    The image is lovely, but easily faked. I’ve been taking photographs with weird things for years and I still can’t get my head around this.

    Show and tell and you have my adoration.

    I’ll wait


    "> For sure.

    It’s a canon Lide 30 scanner at its core. You have to remove the light source (a tiny RGB LED) and a pinhole array from the front of the sensor. Then I used a dremel to widen the slit the sensor looks through, to deal with some pretty severe vignetting. The optical assembly is made from foam board, gaffers tape and an acrylic lens liberated from a regular magnifying glass. I use a software called VueScan to perform the actual scan."

    Yeah. That’s pretty cool. Have the adoration you crafty fox.