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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • the problem surmized:

    “your idea doesnt make sense, and here is why.” “I know my idea is false, but then again, if you don’t have a better idea, that makes my idea come true. UNO REVERSE CARD!”

    i think the problem is a fundamental misunderstanding how a logical debate goes down. its not about what you want inside yourself.

    its about finding the best model for representing your actuall expiriences.

    and that statistic thing has a very bad model which brings up a lot of questions.

  • oversimplification. letting out a lot of questions. leaving out why all of this is benificial at all. leaving out that science is really divided about vegan diet and its effects on health. lumping every climate, culture, agrarcultural practice in one pot.

    there is no easy answers for complicated questions.

    there can’t be when the question isn’t even clear in the first place.

    take water, for example: people always talk about how farms and fields use up water. but, is that really true? water goes in a cycle. it never gets used up. if there is no pasture or field, water gets used up anyway. or do you go there to collect it? yes, its bad to taint your water soils with chemicals. but, then just don’t use them?

    its plants, factories, chemical industry and cities that use up the water. because thats the water you have to recycle really hard.

    or, take fischeries: they are not mentioned here, not on the graphs. but they destroy our planet as well, by ships, debris from nets, overfisching, crude oil that gets disposed of in the sae, and fish and shellfish farms are the tainting your water really really bad,

    or take biogas farms: they use so much land for corn that it would make your head explode, corn gets used for all kinds of chemicals, it would not help if people ate vegan, since its use is in chemical industry and energy production, so the graph doesnt mention that either.

    the whole thing is oversimplification.