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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • They are literally advocating for civil war as a means of change, but refuse to engage in any behavior that would contribute to that goal.

    Well again that’s only if you’re only thinking about your own perspective. If that person had your perspective, we wouldn’t be here. Do you consider it bizarre for someone to believe that were already on the path to civil war, much the same way you believe you believe engaging with the electoral system will yield progress? It’s not as if there are no signs of widening divisions in the country, authoritarian leaders trying to seize power, violent political rhetoric, militarized police forces, and dysfunctional governance.

    Their comments are deleted now, so I can’t even reference them but lets look at the democrats own messaging. When the dems say things like “vote like your democracy depends on it” it’s not unreasonable for them to infer that staying home would then mean hastening of a civil war. So either them protesting the vote does indeed contribute to the goal of civil war, or this elections not as important as the messaging they’re probably getting blasted with is making it seem.

  • Honestly probably not, you continue to show you have no interest in understanding any reasoning other than your own which you seem to think is the ONLY way to achieve just and desirable goals. It’s right there in the first reply I gave you, but now you want to water it down with whose ambitions are just and whose are not. Theses have no bearing on what you choose to mock them for, which was their means of obtaining their goal. If you wanna mock them for being dumb and self destructive go ahead and do that, but you didn’t do that you mocked the amount of effort they applied, then got mad when it was pointed out that it’s just about the same amount of effort you apply.

  • Early operations losses are normal and not a cause for immediate concern, the CFO quitting after a yelling match with the CEO is though.

    If this went anything like the yelling matches I hear in local companies between CFOs or even CPAs vs the CEOs, it likely boils down to the CEO being ingorant of the finer details of financial law and reporting practices and insisting that the CFO or CPA do something that’s either against best practice, or flat out inappropriate or borderline illegal.

    The CFO I know personally gets yelled at consistently for doing things that are the reason outside financers still work with the company. They’re also the sole reason the IRS isn’t levying hell against the buisness and the owners wife grovels to them to assure that at least she knows how important the work is.

    The takeawy is CEOs are pretty dumb and hate being told no, and I’d honestly be surprised if the reality of the situation is much different from the one I described.