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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • downvotes are not to express disagreement!

    so many comments here about adding regulations and “this should be illegal” and, yes, those may be a valid way to curb this behavior

    but customers willing to leave a company for bad behavior, customers wary of new products without asdurances they wont just become useless, non-reusable e-waste could also effectively curb this behavior

    just because you want to outsource all of your product and company research to a law or regulation, and want to be able to blindly buy products and just hope the company doesn’t make bad choices in every regard but quartly profits doesn’t mean it is the only effective check & balance

  • The way I understood it is a commercial for McD in the US isnt required to have real food; a commercial for McD’s “whatever” has to have the actual item being advertised, but can be so meticulously crafted, you’d never see one like that in the wild. A commercial for a grocery chain, for example- most/all of of the food you see is props made to look like the most appetizing food youve ever dreamed of.

    Who knows if this is enforced. NPR and PBS stations are specifically prohibited from “sponsorship” messages mentioning a specific product or service, and they’ve been ignoring that for decades.

  • Everybody loses but the investment firm.

    by. design.

    it’s so hard to watch people in late-stage capitalism still have faith enough in the integrity of the whole thing to give a go at it, and inevitably get smacked down by the few with all the dollar, as if it werent all rigged against them from the beginning. I hope theyve learned and pivoted their efforts into helping press the big RESET button rather than kicking the can down the road, no matter how pure the intentions

    there’s a class war on, and we’re losing. honestly, truly, maybe we don’t need an ethical review website right now, unless youre reviewing torches and pitchforks? I say this out of frustration that so many of the people behind that site will just pointlessly try to play by the rules again. the war needs more good fighters, not people who continue to swallow the lie that the way forward is playing by the current, just so laughably rigged game

    i dont care that this whole comment is a cliche

    cliches are cliches for a reason

    fuck Google, the employees and shareholders

    eat the fucking rich

  • the economy is a circle. people choose where they buy from and what they buy, and producers and stores don’t just make money from thin air.

    people often choose convenience and lower price, indirectly choosing to be part of something “big” by supporting the big business. there is a disconnect in thinking choosing higher inconvenience and cost in the name of supporting smaller businesses “does anything” - except youre already doing something, youre supporting the big business and literally responsible for its success

    same thing happens when a mutual fund rewards a company for profits while ignoring how it got them. nevermind we are simultaneously the customers and employees these companies poorly treat, extort and squeeze for every penny.

    until people decide individually to make decisions and sacrifices for everyones future, rather than spouting the obvious propaganda that individual action doesn’t matter, therefore why bother? it can’t.

    also, late stage capitalism doesnt do stability- you get yours while you can and get out because the next crash is coming soon

    america is a country full of people who can’t wait for the next new thing they’ll be able to point to their neighbors also doing and shrug, while whatever it is further burns their world to the ground. lately that thing is ditching pensions and low yield investments to make retirement dependent on the profits of giant, horrible companies. I honestly think it’ll be the one of a thousand papercuts as everyone shirks responsibility because, hey, this bread and these circuses aren’t that bad…

    edit tl;dr americans have a serious disconnect between their actions and the consequences of them at scale. until that changes, we all lose