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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Gaming actually provides a real benefit for people, and resources spent on it mostly linearly provide that benefit (yes some people are addicted or etc, but people need enriching activities and gaming can be such an activity in moderation).

    AI doesn’t provide much benefit yet, outside of very narrow uses, and its usefulness is mostly predicated on its continued growth of ability. The problem is pretrained transformers have stopped seeing linear growth with injection of resources, so either the people in charge admit its all a sham, or they push non linear amounts of resources at it hoping to fake growing ability long enough to achieve a new actual breakthrough.

  • Yeah… I don’t think there is actually good proof that something being illegal actually stops a meaningful number of things on its own. There are plenty of studies that people do things that are socially frowned upon less IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE (say littering for example), but very weak evidence it stops such activity in any meaningful way in private settings. Likewise there is plenty of evidence that other forms of punishment (which is to say, no immediate social stigma) actually don’t really correlate with reduced activity at all.

  • I feel like you all like to invent people to pretend you’ve upset. I don’t really consider myself a lib, but in classic left fashion, people to the left of me will call me one. The only time I start downvoting stuff about Biden is when its clearly false or its people saying they aren’t going to vote (or worse, will vote for trump). Frankly I think most of those people are likely fake. You want to point out bad stuff about Biden, please do. You want to push him on issues, please do. You want to fight grassroots for better elected officials where you can get them in, please do. Just don’t lie and don’t decide to give up on the idea of governance all together (see accelerationism).

  • I haven’t read this article, but the one place machine learning is really really good, is narrowing down a really big solution space where false negatives and false positives are cheap. Frankly, I’m not sure how you’d go about training an AI to solve math problems, but if you could figure that out, it sounds roughly like it would fit the bill. You just need human verification as the final step, with the understanding that humans will rule out like 90% of the tries, but if you only need one success that’s fine. As a real world example machine learning is routinely used in astronomy to narrow down candidate stars or galaxies from potentially millions of options to like 200 that can then undergo human review.

  • I suspect you are just a troll as others have said, but in the case you aren’t;

    It’s been shown for all crimes, that degree of punishment doesn’t really have much effect on deterrence. People tend to not know what the punishment for any given crime is, they tend to underestimate how likely they are to get caught, and when worrying about consequences they tend to worry about consequences they understand, like how their family or friends will react, not what living in prison for years will be like.

    The justice system everywhere is fallible, protections for those in jail aren’t only for the absolutely guilty, they are for the innocent who are incorrectly incarcerated.

    Killing someone wont undue what they’ve done. As horrific as it is, the trauma inflicted on someone can’t be undone. You are only putting more suffering into the world when you punish someone without tangible goals.