Attempting solidarity pragmatically.


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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Generally Fedora’s purpose is to make sure nothing gets into redhat (RHEL) Linux. So if there are breaking changes to things, you’ll be getting them.

    Historically if people had wanted to learn I’d push them towards Ubuntu because its Debian based, meaning familiar enough to most of what runs the modern internet that I could eventually (I’m not a Linux admin) fix.

    These days if you just want to use it I’d pick Linux mint, just since they seem to be orienting towards that way. Arch or SUSE based something if you want to learn more about how the packages you install work together. But the choice in distro honestly feels more like an installer and package manager choice than anything. a distro is just a choice of which thousand things to hide in a trenchcoat.

    I just ideologically don’t like IBM and would rather hand in my bug reports to the volunteer ecosystem.

  • Tldr and tealdeer in the arch repo are both helpful, but Ill do you one better since someone already beat me to it. I found fish shell’s tab completion with either tool to be immensely helpful if you’re not trying to stay stock standard. But if you’re working on a lot of remote machines you don’t own stick with bash/zsh.

    There’s some easy to find fuzzy search and linting for for history plugins that mean if you found it once you can do it again in whichever shell.

    Its mostly familiarity, but i don’t think I could function without fzf.

  • I’ve kind of come and gone full circle on this one. It fits in the same space as the terminal, way more useful when you know what you want.

    Some config files are a lot easier to get the behavior I want, but editing a poorly formatted (or in some some cases pointlessly complicated) config is a quick nope out.

    Too many options to learn a new language.

  • I laughed a little because I’m not sure I ever grew out of the expectation of everything being a little broken. You are going to learn so much you could have done without.

    On a more sober note I’m not sure adding a business model fixes the problem anymore.

    If we paid for our anonymity like toll roads or subscriptions we box out people who can’t afford it. Commodity level information isn’t likely to be decreasing in value any time immediately.

    If equitable access is also on the list, I don’t see anything but regulation and taxes getting you there. Just look at the steam store prices outside the first world and you have an idea for how poorly it could go.

  • We still haven’t really sussed out whether the dominant model is going to be general or specific focus instances, or even brought whether niche boards want to just be in charge of the content and not the users, since your credentials are good everywhere you’re federated.

    Right now your ‘all’ feed is a combination of all the various places users on your instance have trawled, but they’re not totally the same everywhere.

    We could see curated instance feeds with some instance muting from admins that make it function like a public RSS, per user even if it gets that granular. Skies kind of the limit once you understand it’s limited to insecure communication, the most anonymity you have here is in a crowd.

  • I think the triggers are likely to die down as the CEOs gradually stop sawing at their own genitalia.

    What you have here is a start, but the barriers like having to find all the niches through searching mechanics that send you to a website and back to a client are always going to be a sticking point. There’s not much support on any client to just get a list of communities on the instance, much less a different one.

    If they come down or the instances centralize enough that it doesn’t matter we’ll see some growth by enticing other users because it’ll be functionally the same thing to them. But there are some definite hurdles in getting here, and there’s no incentive to advertise (read $) other than grassroots.