Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!
Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast (especially series 3 covering the French Revolution) and his The History of Rome series.
White noise. I bought a white noise machine years ago when I lived near a large emergency room that had ambulances going by all day every day. It really helped with the sirens, and when I moved away I kept using the machine. My brain now interprets the white noise as profound silence, and I sleep so deeply that I don’t know how I ever got by without it.
From a national security standpoint of the government, it absolutely does matter who has the data.
TestDisk and PhotoRec. TestDisk can recover broken drive partitions, PhotoRec can recover deleted files even if the partition table is borked.
You can collect unemployment after quitting if you have a good cause for quitting.
I just use Everything desktop search and let the files fall where they may.
Just lemmy in a browser for me. Never used facebag or twatter or others besides reddit.
More like, “I want a sandwich but i can’t afford one. I guess I’ll go become a porn actor or a prostitute to earn money"
I want Roland Emmerich to make a movie out of the short story A Pail of Air.
tl;dr/spoiler: ~20 years ago, a black hole passed through the solar system and captured the Earth, dragging it inexorably away from the Sun. This causes great earthquakes, tsunami, and other immediate civilization-ending catastrophes, but the real disaster comes when the atmosphere freezes and falls like snow to the ground. The original story follows a young boy born after the cataclysm whose chores include collecting buckets of frozen air.
I yearn for the simpler days when the worst thing a Republican president might do is tamper with Medicare.
My intent was to point out how ridiculous the “103% increase” line is, not to suggest the comparison was valid in the first place.
In other words, it jumped from about 0.5% to 1.5%.
deleted by creator
Looks like compatibility hacks for various websites.
Interventions - are deeper modifications to make sites compatible. Firefox may modify certain code used on these sites to enforce compatibility. Each compatibility modification links to the bug on Bugzilla@Mozilla; click on the link to look up information about the underlying issue.
User Agent Override - change the user agent of Firefox when connections to certain sites are made.
May she die of an embarrassing and uncomfortable medical condition exactly 5 minutes before being released.
If social media companies exist to collect massive troves of personal info from users–and they do–then there is a valid national security concern over social media controlled by an adversary. This is distinct from the individual privacy concerns towards domestically-controlled social media.
I took the ASVAB way back in the 90’s. IIRC it was mandatory then too.
Some people need practical advice.
-George Carlin
Annual commemorative pastry observance