• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • An admission that this isn’t about the environment or about truth, and that you are 100% onboard with lying to get what you want.

    Sorry, where did I say any of that? I responded to someone making a sarcastic comment about the study only covering 5% of farms and it reminded me of a relevant statistic, so I shared.

    Then you made a comment about how we should fight to fix farming so that smaller farms still have a chance, to which I replied that I don’t care about helping to save any farms that exploit animals.

    Where, in any of that did I say that I do not care about the truth or that the environment isn’t a part of the reason I think that’s immoral to eat animals?

    You’re far more honest than most militant vegans I meet.

    Well, for one I’m not a militant vegan, I’m just a fuckin vegan person. For two, I don’t believe you meet that many militant vegans unless you’re intentionally seeking out interactions with vegans, in which case the fact that you characterize them as militant says less to me about them and more about how you probably made comments similar to the very antagonistic, mischaracterizing, lying comment you just made, attempting to misconstrue arguments because you have some sort of agenda against people who just wanna see less suffering in the world.

    But hey, I know that for people like you, you just need reasons to hate vegans, so if pretending that I don’t care about truth or the environment helps you paint vegans as annoying bad people in your mind instead of actually considering the moral/ethical implications of your food, I’m happy to help.

  • Problem is, there’s a lot of really specialized, critical software, that is provided by vendors and throws an absolute fit with any change. You could maybe run Windows in a VM, but it may not work with the specialized hardware and networking gear being used, and now you’re spending a bunch of extra time and money setting up a vm if windows inside Linux, which means you also have to train everyone on how to use the VM, adds another management/security issue, and adds another point of failure.

    If they ever switch (the entire govt should, it would be so awesome to see the govt resources put into Linux development instead of M$ pockets) it’d have to be a very gradual process, and windows would still be around decades from now for legacy systems. (If the US hasn’t imploded in civil war or the planet melted by then 🫠)

  • We try but we’re facing the same horde of angry assholes you are. And no help from the pulpit.

    The problem is, modern Christianity is more of a social club than a religion, and too many Christians are afraid of the church-social ramifications of calling out their brothers and sisters in Christ/simply have not committed to letting the teachings of the bible ACTUALLY dictate how they live.

    As someone raised Christian, IMO if ur not ready to become a pastor yourself to BE that help from the pulpit, or go have serious conversations with your church leaders, or try and organize church members for a demonstration, or SOMETHING, you’re not actually living out Christian values.

    The Christian faith calls you to put aside your personal comfort in order to help others and do what’s right. If you don’t believe strongly enough to follow that through to its’ full extent, what’s the point of being a Christian?

    I have to educate my Christian family members on how to be respectful towards LGBTQ+ people because nobody in the church is willing to tell their “brothers and sisters in Christ” that the way they speak of others isn’t Christ-like and is harmful.

    Obviously I don’t know what you have or haven’t done, I don’t mean this to say you aren’t trying, but I feel like for people who truly believe the Christian faith it requires pretty radical lifestyle changes that would lead to either reforming the church or being forced out of a congregation.

  • Twitter was absolutely special when it came out. It was the first (or at the very least first successful) social media designed for mobile use. It also had large effects on how people thought about and used social media, and had big impacts on the ways various companies and people interact on social media.

    I’ve never particularly cared about twitter personally, I used it a handful of times here and there, and I agree that currently and for a while it’s been a pretty shit slice of social media. But saying it was never special is a stretch at best.