• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I stopped my xfinity mobile because the service was absolutely dreadful. id have either full bars or none and id always have my friends ragging on my connection to Discord. The conspiracy i had in my head was that i was never using cell service but rather the xfinity service would bounce you around their local wifi spots to provide you service whether you had wifi services on or not. probably not true but it surely felt like it.

    Tried Mint and it worked just ok. it was nice because at the time i was using an android soap phone and didn’t need much data.

    Recently switched my wife and I to Visible plans. even though it is the same coverage as xfinity mobile and uses the Verizon network, it is a night and day difference in connection quality. at 25 a line, i’m happy with visible. i recall my xfinity lines were 30 each after any ‘deals’.

  • i think using node and express.js is very approachable in serving your web content. https://expressjs.com/

    following the hello world example on their site will help clarify how everything clicks together.

    i know u said this is a project for learning, but static site hosting is pretty cheap and may provide less headaches as you’re learning. sites like porkbun offer it for $3 USD and i think even github has a free way tp host a static site. idk what running a computer at home would cost monthly in electricity.

  • I haven’t been to many places, but i really enjoyed Washington DC. I walked all over and saw many embassies, experienced most of the free museums, saw many monuments, and learned that it could get so humid in the summer that I would have to buy new clothes lol. historic buildings and decent public transportation. The restaurants in the area i was were amazing. many fond memories to look back on. i intend to visit again with my wife and kids eventually.

  • While I wouldn’t recommend this avenue… A trip to the ER and a 2 week quarantine stay at the hospital. I had pancreatitis that was suspected to be caused by a contagious virus? Idk after I was placed in my room I wasn’t allowed visitors and I was pretty isolated aside from blood draws every 4 hours. Cliché but it allowed me to reflect on my life and identify faults in myself and devise ways to become a better.

    Still working on a lot of things, but comparing myself to me 6 months ago, I feel amazing about my growth that I don’t think I could have otherwise achieved without this major life event. :)

  • I tend to use either almond or cashew.

    Almond to me has a bit more nutty flavor whereas cashew is like a softer butter like flavor. Depending on what i’m making determines which i will choose.

    for both of these loaves I used cashew butter.

    funnily, i haven’t tried peanut butter. mainly because i feel the peanut flavor would be very strong. though i should try it some time as it tends to be a cheaper option compared to almond or cashew

    I would really like to try something atypical like pistachio butter, but i have a feeling it would be quite spendy.

  • Certainly. This is a recipe from Erica Kerwien That I adjusted just a little.

    Basic Bread: 3/4 cup of nut butter (whatever your preference) 4 eggs 3 tablespoons of honey 1/4 cup of blanched fine almond flour 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

    mix wet ingredients until smooth then add dry ingredients. mix until smooth and pour into a 3x7 bread pan. smooth the top and let it rest for a few minutes before placing it in the oven.

    i used a standing mixer, but you could also do it by hand. i also used parchment paper to make it easier to get out of the pan.

    Bake at 350F for 40min or until golden. test with a toothpick.

    Blueberry Bread: 3/4 cashew butter 4 eggs 3 tablespoons of honey 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/4 cup of coconut flour 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 1 cup of blueberries

    mix wet ingredients until smooth then add dry ingredients. mix in only half of your blueberries trying not to mash them up too much in the process. pour into a 3x7 pan and smooth the top. drop the remaining blueberries atop of the batter and press them slightly into the batter.

    Bake at 350F for 50min test with a toothpick.

    My changes to the original recipe was just adding more honey. Then for the blueberry bread i swapped out almond flour for coconut flour. i feel that coconut flour has a more softer flavor than almond flour.

    Im not all that great at cooking/baking so any suggestions to improve is appreciated.

  • i had a similar instance. when i was younger ~10 i remember waking up scared by a nightmare around midnight. i decided i’d go to my sisters room because she was likely still up and i didn’t want to wake my parents.

    her room was on the second floor so i had to quietly run in the dark and up the stairs as to not disturb my parents.

    when i got to the steps i began hearing a crowd of people and with each step up the stairs it got louder and louder. i recall it being one of the loudest things i’ve ever heard. at the landing of the stairs it was so loud i collapsed onto the door handle and swing it open. then just like that the noise stopped and it was silent.

    my sister was up watching a movie and looked over curious to why i made such a dramatic entrance. i don’t recall ever saying anything i just curled up on her floor watching a movie until i fell asleep.

    i’m in my 30s and i still think about that event at least once a year and it still gets my heart pumping! thankfully it has never happened since.