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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • There’s literally someone in this thread right now saying you can eat raw pork in America without worry…

    The correct response to that is to provide the actual guidelines based on actual data, not to fearmonger while quoting lines referencing wild game.

    A huge part of why commercial pork is safe – that you’re consistently leaving out – were major changes to how livestock are raised. Trichinosis transmission in pigs is primarily caused by the consumption of infected meat; US standards were changed to more strictly control what’s fed to pigs, which led to the decreased risk. The risk remains in wild boar because they’re omnivores that will scavenge whatever they can find.

    145 is still a limit people need to follow, lots of people don’t.

    145 isn’t a hard limit. It’s the recommended holding temperature for one minute.

  • it took me way too long to realize that i can tell my boss to eat shit.

    I think the difference in upbringing you’re describing is a huge part of it.

    Millennials went through spending our entire early adult lives being gaslit about how all the ways we were being abused were ultimately somehow our fault because our parents refused to recognize the systemic issues we were facing.

    We may have come to the realization late, but we can certainly make sure younger generations know that they can and should call bullshit when they see it.

  • The NRA is pretty low on the list of organizations that would have tried to push the issue if this involved someone not named Hunter Biden. They’re very much a culture war outlet that won’t go to bat for anyone they consider an undesirable.

    There are other advocacy groups that have been talking about this issue for a number of years, though. And there have been lower court rulings this year that make whether that provision of Form 4473 is going to be able to withstand scrutiny questionable.

    Like I said, where these gun rights groups land on this case is going to be pretty telling about where they stand generally. The culture warriors will come up with excuses. It should be an interesting barometer for whether these groups actually believe in universal application of what they consider rights.

  • Restricts Freedom to Use the Software

    I’ve always found this particular one somewhat frustrating. It’s essentially the intolerance paradox repackaged into a software licensing analog:

    “You are restricting the freedom of users by taking away their ability to close the code and restrict the freedom of other users!”

    It’s always read very “I got mine” to me.

    That said, while I lean copyleft, I also don’t find just barring commercial use entirely interesting. The goal is to ensure source code remains available to users; I think there are better ways of addressing that than trying to delineate and exclude commercial use.

  • I don’t think that’s accurate, personally.

    Declarative orchestration systems have been around for years and have a very real use case when needing to stand up servers in a replicable way. Nix is applying that approach at the system level.

    I’m not entirely sold on wanting to put that level of effort into a personal desktop, but I don’t think it’s at all fair to say that it’s not addressing real problems.