When you realize that you should not have smoked before the presentation /s
It is honestly tragic and infuriating to watch elected leaders rot while refusing to stop governing.
Won’t work. In Texas their God is white.
I tend to do everything locally on bare metal. I never liked putting stuff in containers or running a vm.
VS Code is a great editor, though. It actually feels a bit like Emacs.
Next year is going to be fun…
Thank you! Here’s the actual PDF doc of their clarifications and here’s the original DSA
The specific language for number of users is:
average monthly active recipients of their service in the Union, calculated as an average over the period of the past six months
And the definition of active recipient:
(p) ‘active recipient of an online platform’ means a recipient of the service that has engaged with an online platform by either requesting the online platform to host information or being exposed to information hosted by the online platform and disseminated through its online interface;
So you just need 45 million EU citizens looking at a platform to qualify as a VLOP. Amazon probably qualifies, but it would be easy for them to prove they were unfairly discriminated against as well.
Did the EU even define the term “Very Large Online Platforms”? I think this is the bill, but it doesn’t ever define the term. Amazon may be right, purely because the legislators are incompetent idiots.
It’s not any battery. They just didn’t do the original manufacturing, so you can find compatible replacements elsewhere.
I bought the System76 Kudu laptop back in 2016, but it is actually a W670RZ model laptop manufactured by Clevo Co. in China (unlike my previous laptop which was a MacBook Pro manufactured by Apple in China). System76 wasn’t the only company selling the W670RZ, so they’re not the only ones you can go to for replacement parts.
The main thing I like is the hardware support. I knew before purchasing that everything would work, and that helped me feel okay dropping a pretty penny on a new laptop. Besides that, I’d say they’re fine. They aren’t designing and manufacturing their own hardware (at least not back when I bought one); the laptops are pretty standard off-the-shelf stuff. System76 just promises that it’ll all work out-of-the-box. I’ve never used Pop!_OS, so I can’t speak to that. Arch and Debian work great, though.
The only negative I can think of is: once the battery started to go after several years, they didn’t have a replacement in their store, but because it’s a generic laptop, there were new ones available on Amazon. It just would’ve been nice to get it from System76.
All-in-all, I’m a happy customer. I’m keeping my eye on Framework, though. The MNT Reform is also interesting. I don’t like how thick it is, but that’s because it uses 18650s for the battery, which would solve the problem of buying a new battery just to find that all the batteries were manufactured at the same time, so there are no working replacements.
Yeah, I have a couple T420 ThinkPads, and for $100 they’re pretty sweet, but they show their age.
I’m relatively happy with my System76, but based on your needs you could get a lot of value from a $500 used ThinkPad on Ebay.
I fully support this. You do you. It’s your computer; you can do what you want with it. Whether you’re using it for work or play, if it’s the way you like it, then it’s not wrong.
The Brits ate all the mummies, and they seem just fine 🤷
https://musicforprogramming.net is a classic.
These days, I just pop on some Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, or Nine Inch Nails.
As a software dev, so much this.
PWAs are super fucking cool, but current web browsers are a SuperFund disaster site, so they make PWAs suck, and PWAs are partially to blame as Google and Apple keep adding features to browsers to mirror their phones’ native features. Every PWA is going to be slower than a native app for the foreseeable future, regrettably, and they’ll always be nothing more than a browser with the decorations hidden.
I hate this reality with a passion, but native apps are faster because it’s an app on your phone and not an app in a browser on your phone.
PWAs are great, because Apple and Google have no say in whether or not you can use them, and they get no cut if you spend money through them (scumbags at Apple taking 30%).
Because phone manufacturers don’t open source their firmware, you probably won’t be able to get Linux on an off-the-shelf phone. (Please someone correct me if I’m wrong).
Your best bet, if you want to go down thus route, is to get the PinePhone Pro. It’s relatively affordable.
Before you try anything, think hard about your relationship with your phone and what you expect from it. Does work require you have an app installed? What kind of apps do you use regularly? You won’t have things like: CVS for meds, AA for flying, Steam for 2fa, Signal, Telegram, google maps, etc. Some you might be able to use their webapps, but the browser might be a bit sluggish because it’s the full desktop version. Firefox isnt fully mobile friendly. Battery life won’t be what you’re used to. Linux on the phone is just like your regular Linux, so you’ll have the stuff your used to from there, and you’ll having calling, sms, mms, and voicemail.
I have the PinePhone and the Librem 5, but I still use my android.
Since you told me not to. There isn’t a risk on most linux systems; passwords were moved to /etc/shadow a long time ago. It only leaks the names of your users and largely useless info for most attackers:
list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/usr/sbin/nologin
gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-network:x:101:102:systemd Network Management,,,:/run/systemd:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-resolve:x:102:103:systemd Resolver,,,:/run/systemd:/usr/sbin/nologin
messagebus:x:999:999:System Message Bus:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-timesync:x:998:998:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
systemd-coredump:x:997:997:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
dictd:x:105:111:Dictd Server,,,:/var/lib/dictd:/usr/sbin/nologin
nm-openvpn:x:106:112:NetworkManager OpenVPN,,,:/var/lib/openvpn/chroot:/usr/sbin/nologin
sssd:x:107:113:SSSD system user,,,:/var/lib/sss:/usr/sbin/nologin
Google and Apple tit-for-tat adding features to browsers and the never-finished living standard are the most egregious examples of this. They are very slowly strangling the web to death by making it impossible to make a browser except to increase a large corporation’s profits.