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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I shall tell you the story of FrankenPod. One iPod had a broken hard drive; one had a tear in the connector to the screen. I managed to reassemble a funtioning iPod from the pieces of each. Eventually, though, it became too onorous to find the old-style iPod charging cables, so I had to move on. But I do miss FrankenPod.

  • Try F1 instead of F12. It should be under Setup -> Boot, and then just make your USB the first entry, save, and exit. And just so we’re covering all bases, the usb should be plugged in before you reboot into the bios settings and it may be under a name that doesn’t say “usb” anywhere (for example, the name of my usb in the bios settings contains the manufacturer and size in GB in addition to some other nonsense that i think is a model number).

  • I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. The plastic these little guys eat needs to be partially degraded and broken up into smaller pieces for them to make any meaningful digestive progress. It’s exceedingly unlikely the bacteria themselves are going to get efficient enough that your non-waste plastic stuff is in any danger. More likely, the enzymes themselves will be used as part of a larger controlled industrial process (enzyme recapture is important to staying cost effective after all). Even if that wasn’t the case, these bacteria are suited for life in a landfill, not in your pipes.

  • I’ve never had an issue, outside of bios updates (see last paragraph). I’ve even booted into windows after hibernating in linux (but not the other way around, since I don’t let windows hibernate; not saying you can’t, just that I don’t), and everything was fine when i got back. I use a swap partition for hibernating, in case you’re curious.

    I do try to make sure I’m watching when it reboots after a windows update (because linux is my default, so i have to select windows from the boot loader) just in case, but i’ve also fucked that up a time or two with no ill effects.

    My one piece of advice is: once you get it working, take a picture of your bios settings. You may have to fix some settinga after bios updates, as they can get set back to the default values. I did not do this, and while it led to a very confusing afternoon due to my inexperience, it would have been a non-issue if I’d have taken some pictures and known to look at them.

  • The first time i tried to talk to my parents about climate change, specifically sea level rise, my dad had us do an experiment where we filled a cup with some ice up to the very tippy top with water. Then, when the cup didn’t overflow when all the ice melted, he noted that there’s still the same amount of water whether it’s liquid or solid (technically true, but obviously ignores some key details, like the fact that not all the ice on Earth is found in the ocean, and that there are impacts of melting ice other than just sea level rise). He concluded that we didn’t have to worry about sea level rise, and it’s all a hoax. I told my science teacher about it, and he simply asked me, “What about all the ice on land? Like Antarctica? That ice isn’t already in the cup.” This was the early '00s.