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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • The headline is very misleading.

    This is NOT just about build quality of EVs or engine problems or problems inherent with EVs, it includes minor annoyances that aren’t quality problems. Also, this is from reported problems on a SURVEY, not actual problems taken to a dealer to fix. Dodge has the worst rating here while Ram has the best, because Ram owners don’t report problems on surveys and not because Ram has better quality (though it likely does as well).

    And most of the issues are with tech that is included in higher end cars (rear collision avoidance, rear seat safety belt alarms, lane keeping assist, automatic braking assist, etc), and almost all EVs in the US are higher end cars that are chock full of these up-sells. People are also complaining about entertainment system software and phone pairing, which isn’t different from EV to ICE.

    Finally, Tesla is one of the worst on the list while also making up the majority of EVs. So the company that has notoriously bad quality and bad design choices strongly skews the metric, since they ONLY make EVs. If Tesla made an ICE it would be just as bad.

  • I’d love to hear from anyone at all who can give me a reason why the shareholders would vote for this. The stock value has been going down for both the 1 year and 3 year time frames, so he’s not doing great things today. The company only made a profit of $18B last year, so this is like wiping out 3 years of profitability in one step. This package is over half of the company’s total revenue!! In what world do investors think it’s a good idea to say one guy deserves almost as much as the entire company brings in for a year?

  • Nah, I have been in meetings with him before. While he was an asshole that I hated due to the way he treated my customer, he was really smart and spoke very lucidly and concisely. He had a vision and was doing everything he could to achieve it.

    Nowadays it’s like he has no coherent vision and is just doing whatever wild shit comes to his head. I think when he went from “barely a billionaire who spent it all and nearly went bankrupt” to “holy shit printing billions” then all guardrails came off and he let himself go free.