• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sounds good! I’m going to start now.

    Unfortunately not anymore. I joined the course in the hope that I could get a career in 3D modelling and sculpting.

    They didn’t really talk about 3d until the second year when they hired a new tutor, and that tutor was just no help at all. I remember asking him all year to help me model a car, I really wanted to make a Nissan GTR and a Lamborghini Gallardo in 3D, and showed him my progress and what I was stuck on. His only advice was ‘do it in NURBS’, and nothing else. The cars never got finished.

    Then in the 3rd year, I was promised a work placement and even a student exchange program in Japan. Instead, I got the email address of a busy 3D modeller who didn’t reply to me once.

    The university didn’t care about me or my goals or my education, they just wanted my money. It really killed my dream and my passion for the job. I still keep tabs on all the cool things people are doing in the industry, but the prospect of joining them died with that course.

  • Hi! I work with google ads every day, it’s my job, and I have a business running ads for other small businesses.

    Guess what, I use an ad blocker!

    If all ads were innocent businesses trying to sell things I’m interested in, and they all had their targeting set up correctly, it’d be great. Unfortunately, all my ads are “you are male and under 60” and that’s as sophisticated as the targeting has been set to, so they’re totally irrelevant, terrible ads.

    Also, my other issue is that some advertising platforms have really low standards for what you’re allowed to show. Google at least has some standards and is sometimes overzealous with its automated disapprovals, which hopefully makes its platform a little better. But I don’t get to choose which platform ads I see when I visit someone’s site (and Google pays very little when compared to other platforms)

  • I’ve had this multiple times.

    Tried to leave a big detailed helpful negative review and it gets flagged for being suspicious, with no copy of the review attached so I have to write it all again. And then it gets removed again.

    I just looked in my emails. The exact phrasing was “We have reviewed our decisions and concluded that the product you received is authentic. As a result, we removed your review specific to this product. This ensures other customers see reviews that reflect the current shopping experience.”

    Most recently it happened with a body trimmer, where I never questioned the inauthenticity, and then a zojirushi travel mug that I genuinely believe was a fake, and attached a lot of evidence.

  • drekly@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    “at one time in the past”

    As did Russians on the land of Ukraine, in their opinion.

    In the 17th/18th century, parts of what is now Ukraine were incorporated into the Russian Empire, especially after the partitions of Poland in the late 18th century. However, other parts remained under Polish or Ottoman rule. The Russian Empire did exert considerable influence over these territories, often implementing Russification policies.

    Throughout the 19th century, the concept of a Ukrainian identity persisted, albeit under the umbrella of the Russian Empire for many regions. Some Ukrainians sought greater autonomy or even independence.

    During the early 20th century, specifically after the Russian Revolution, Ukraine briefly declared independence but was soon incorporated into the Soviet Union as one of its constituent republics. While it was part of the USSR, Ukraine had its own Communist Party, constitution, and administrative structures, but Moscow held ultimate authority.

    It wasn’t until 1991 that Ukraine was an independent country.

    So is Russia allowed to take back the land they feel is theirs, and technically was, 30 years ago?

    Meanwhile, “Israel” hadn’t existed since around 63 BCE when it fell under Roman control. It wasn’t until after WW1 and especially 1947 that Jewish people of the Zionist movement decided to reclaim their religious roots and move back to the area en masse.

    So is Israel allowed to take back the land they feel is theirs, and technically was, 2086 years ago?

    To be clear, I don’t support anyone here. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of allowing Israel to dismantle Palestine whilst fighting the russian dismantlement of Ukraine.

    I don’t think Palestine should be killing civilians, I don’t think Russia should be, I don’t think Israel should be. But they all are. And the media in the UK and US is only really reporting one side of the Israel situation due to their historic involvement, which causes a very one sided view of the situation, where a nation is being slowly invaded and killed whilst blaming them for any retaliation in any form.

  • drekly@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I just asked what you believe about that specific topic. You said they have no right to it.

    But they say historically they were there long before Ukraine was ever a thing and it’s rightfully their land, so they’re taking it by force.

    So do you believe that Israel has a right to the land in Palestine due to their historic ties?

  • drekly@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    But surely that person has to appreciate that it’s only happening because his country is killing and stealing the land of another and has been for 75 years, and has essentially kettled them into a literal corner with giant walls and no escape where they have to rely on aid to survive, while killing and injuring huge amounts more of their people. (20x more killed in the last 15 years)


    Acting in self defence or in anger is pretty understandable given what’s happened.

    It’s like condemning Ukraine for attacking Russia, if Russia had been attacking for almost a century. Russia also claims that Ukrainian land belongs to their country historically. Blows my mind anyone can “both sides” it, and supporting Ukraine whilst condemning Palestine is especially hypocritical. The BBC especially surprised me how blatant the hypocrisy is with their one sided reporting