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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Every single time I see this type of conversation come up it’s always about the more privileged higher paying white collar work.

    this is true and i know i because i’m one of those workers while my siblings aren’t and only my pay increases significantly each time while theirs remain stagnant.

    on the other hand recruiters hate “job hoppers” and you’ll end up with more gate keepers to jobs the more often you do it; while my siblings barely get any questions when they have to switch jobs.

  • moving every 2 years or so is clearly the best strategy for career advancement.

    it’s a double edged sword in my experience from to talking to recruiters who seem to have an irrational hatred of “job hoppers” and they’re, anecdotally, a majority.

    however it is still true that you’ll get higher pay as i did; but be sure to spend a LOT of time keeping your connections alive because most recruiters (still anecdotally) will red flag 2 & 3 year tenure-ships; effectively gate keeping you away from many jobs.

    if it weren’t for being in a relatively lucrative and in demand field (software development); i would be screwed because of those recruiters.

  • i had this cuban moreno friend who was overly proud of his spanish heritage and would make fun of my chicano spanish sometimes. each time he did it in public, i would shut him up by asking someone in the group which one of us was latino which one was american; my garden variety mexican looks always got picked as latino and his afrocubano ass got picked as american. it was especially delicious if the person i asked knew that he could speak spanish.

    i thoroughly enjoyed using american racism to put him in his place and it’s probably the only time in my life where that racism worked to my advantage. lol

  • I’m an Aussie in my early-mid 30s. I’ve been living in the USA for the past 11 years. I’ve been a software developer, mostly focusing on web development, since the late 90s personally and since the mid 2000s professionally.

    so your birth year would be somewhere between 1987 to 1993; you started professional web development when you were 14 to 20 years old? you moved to the us somewhere between 20 and 26 years old?

    i didn’t even start dating until i was 27 and my career at 26 while my first website was at 16 years old and i never truly left the country; you’re either very impressive or lucky af! i envy you! ;)

  • … every trans person, every immigrant … anyone who isn’t a white, cishet, Christian man is at risk of violence or death.

    this rings so hollow because i lived as a target of biden’s votes & support of laws against lgbt people for decades and biden opportunistically switched sides LONG after public opinion changed and he is still literally imprisoning immigrants fleeing persecution like the person who i built a life with before he got deported also because of biden’s votes.

    it sucked trying to make a life during that time and it’ll suck again under trump, but i’ll still be alive to try; which is much better than the people in gaza will get either way.