The only thing you have to fear.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • why do the author’s politics make a difference?

    In this case it makes a difference because there has been an alarming increase in harmful lies made by the far right. This is a purposeful spread of misinformation that many people hesitate to get involved with in any way, and for good reason.

    I do not trust the creator of Brave to be aligned with the far right and to still be guided by ethical conduct that I can trust. If you align yourself with people who lie and put others in danger for profit and control, you’re condoning such behavior and may be capable of it yourself.

  • Most people seem to be trying to pass off AI creations as their own judging by the exponential flood of AI trash websites, videos, books, news, etc. I’ve encountered people delusional enough to believe it really is their own artwork because they supplied the text prompt to Stable Diffusion. There’s a long way to go before we see transparency.

    I wouldn’t even know how to begin holding people to transparency here. It’s nice that it tends to be obvious when something is AI generated, but I’m sure the clock is ticking to the day no one can tell the difference.

  • but there’s guys out there

    Guys, you say? Don’t worry, it’s just major publications like National Geographic firing off all their writers, tech companies downsizing in the hopes that ChatGPT will code for free, a plague of nonsensical AI written books flooding the market under legitimate authors’ names, and all of Hollywood hoping their writers will work for pennies out of desperation for food and shelter.

    It doesn’t matter that ChatGPT constantly gives wrong answers and has about as much personality as a bran muffin. With the dawn of AI, us humans don’t need humans anymore.

  • It’s so ironic because we even have an inferno planet next door with a runaway greenhouse effect that everyone can use as an example. With an average surface temperature of 464 degrees, Venus got through to me as a small child. But knowing the type of ignorant person we’re talking about, Venus would just be held as further “proof” that Earth’s climate change isn’t caused by human activity.

  • I agree there were so many screw-ups in the response, especially in the early days. China insisting upon secrecy until it spread across the globe, the WHO’s confusing statements on the efficacy of masks in order to preserve supplies for the front lines, the ridiculous pro-masker vs anti-masker mentality, the Trump fiasco where he suggested doctors use lemon fresh Lysol or whatever the hell he was on about to disinfect people’s lungs as if he has a goddamed clue, the alt-right losing their minds over a dangerous vaccine with Bill Gates computer chips in it, etc.

    But remember CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer? Scientists were like “Hey, guys. There’s a hole here. We need to stop using this crap or we dead.” And everyone banded together and stopped using CFCs, and the hole in the ozone layer closed happily ever after. Sometimes we can actually do it right. I don’t know, maybe it’ll take a crisis like losing Florida to the ocean for Americans to collectively give a shit again and start doing things right. Or maybe we’ll all die before we get a chance to see that happen.

  • Okay, I get your point now. If all artists had your stance and felt this hobbled them, then I’d understand thinking Hasbro’s decision is wrong. But not every artist agrees with you. This is reminiscent of the argument between digital and physical art, with digital artist’s struggle to be seen as viable against oil painters and other physical media artists. Except digital isn’t any better or worse, they’re simply different mediums. You could argue pros and cons for both types, but in the end everyone is entitled to the medium they prefer. This includes AI assisted artwork. If someone prefers digital art but wants no AI influence, that’s up to them since art is entirely subjective.

    This is a perfectly valid direction for Hasbro to want to take, and they’re the ones who get to make the call. Not every artist feels hobbled by being barred from AI tools, some artists prefer to avoid AI entirely. There are plenty of people who would happily accept these jobs.