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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter. I have worked for his team.

    I don’t know how else to say this: Joe Biden’s performance last night was a caricature of every negative stereotype the opposition throws at him.

    I’m really disheartened that my fellow Democrats don’t see the glaring issues from the debate. Did you watch it? This question might seem inflammatory, but I am genuinely concerned.

    I desperately wanted Trump to be frustrated by having his mic muted, but I never expected Biden to become the caricature the GOP was hoping for. Unfortunately, that’s what happened.

    Ignoring what just happened is dangerous. It’s this kind of blind dissent that got us Trump in the first place. We’re in trouble. If we ignore it now and end up with Trump again, the blame will be on those who are ignoring the problem right now.

  • Don’t get me started 😂

    I worked for a company that had over 300 clients with sites with them. They don’t give a fuck. We literally moved over 300 accounts to another provider over their shit support/sales teams. Domain, hosting everything.

    They. Don’t. Care.

    They took down services by trying things that aren’t possible on their platform (DMARC for subdomain). Totally unacceptable. How tf do they not know that they can’t accommodate my request without damaging my infrastructure?! Other providers can do DMARC for subdimains?!? WTF?!?!

    If they’re your provider and you’re in trouble, contact Newfold Digital support first. That’s their parents company. They tend to route you better than Bluehost does. Shit Bluehost chat support has been broken for like 3 months lmao.

  • Agreed and same toward you. Apologies if I came off as dismissive.

    I think we felt the same in probably 2022. I think the recent tech supremacy race and the weird things like the US ordering Apple closing up shop in China, ordering all US companies (Nvidia) to not sell them the good stuff, and the efforts to separate specifically Chinese nationals from US higher education programs that delve into high end tech stuff is… Telling. And then… Shit like this?!

    I won’t ignore the possibility of propaganda creating the divergence in where we probably agreed 2 years ago and where I am now. But I feel there’s enough economic proof and to me, historically it’s always seemed like money talks.

    But I digress. Agree to disagree. I’ll be happy if I’m wrong lol.