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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • In a capitalistic world where your right to stay alive is determined by the money you make, replacing himan jobs by machine ones is a real problem.

    If what was happening was “ok so the machines are gonna do that so you’re gonna have a lot more free time but you still get your wages”, I for one would be happy.

    But what’s happening is more along the lines of “well I hope you didn’t just get a mortgage because here’s the door hahaha don’t be sad think lf the extra money the shareholders are going to make” and it’s a real problem.

    Just because it’s logical that shitty bosses take shitty decisions which impact negatively other person’s lives doesn’t mean we can’t be upset and vocal about it.

  • So, I’m not a specialist in any field relevant to the things we are discussing. I have opinions, which arise from a lot of factors most of which create a confirmation bias that reinforces my opinions. This is why I’m grateful when people who disagree chose to engage in conversation to explain me how I was mistaken, so thank you for that.

    Situational stuff I think is relevant I’m a white privileged person (parents paid for my education, never got hungry one day in my life), I’m perceived as male in public space and most of my social circles (the unsafe ones). So I’ve had it easier than most my whole life, and I have no first hand experience of being part of a group that has to live through daily violence from a racist culture. Your post gives me the impression that you have that experience, and that really sucks - this should not happen to anyone.

    The point I was trying to express I think calling them monsters is a way of dehumanizing them, of distancing ourselves from them. Doing that, we become blind to how they became who they are today : at least some of them were probably once people we could have known and not hated. We also become blind to the possibility that one or several of our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues… which we don’t hate right now could go down the same paths.

    I’m also convinced that their actions must be punished, and that we need to try and prevent them from harming people. This can be done legally, but sometimes the law is not enough.

    The points you made - I agree with almost everything. I agree with almost everything you wrote. I seems to me that the only disagreement we have is about calling them monsters or not.

    Thought experiment for you then. How do you resolve the issue that arises when a person or group of persons live just down the street from you who claim that the core belief of their very being is that people “like you” shouldn’t exist, or should, at the very least, go away, preferably across a large body of water.

    I really with I had a good answer to this question, because I’ve been struggling with it for some time. Best I could come up with was :

    • harmful and hateful actions need to be stopped, so alerting law enforcement when possible (usually fails because legal system and law enforcement harbour a lot of racism), alerting public opinion to raise support, offering safer alternatives to the people targeted, demonstrating support to decrease risks/increase security - anything short of direct fighting which terrifies me
    • hate speech needs to be opposed, and that’s where I feel I have the best impact and where I feel kind of safe - thanks to my privileges and part of my education, I’m quite good at making racist opinions difficult to maintain publicly outside of far-right circles
    • it’s important to support targeted groups, to let them know they can have allies, they can ask for help - in my country, if you only have the dominant media (mostly racist right) and the hate groups talking to you, you can easily feel like you are alone and no one cares

    I feel like this is well summed up by the sign you posted : we need to be there and to take action to protect targeted groups and people.

    I agree that there are problematic systemic conditions that give rise to far right ideologies like white supremacy and it’s close extension, fascism. We definitely need to address them. But these conditions are not just the result of modern sociological paradigms, they have specific historical origins and are passed down through culture and tradition, and that is not something you can defeat through just argument and social ostracism

    I completely agree with you. I even believe it’s too late for some people - we will never be able to bring them back to more a more tolerant/empathetic view of the world.

    I think the first thing to be done is to prevent hateful actions/speeches by making them socially and legally inacceptable (and sometimes violence is needed to achieve that) because the most important thing is to protect the people who endure the hate. And at the same time but on a different scale we need to adress systemic conditions and problematic culture and tradition.

    you sometimes just need to force the monsters out.

    That’s the only point where I disagree with you : I’d say we need to force the people who act like monsters out, as I’ve tried to explain in the beginnning of my comment.

    We can try to do all the other preventative measures first and we should, but some peoples’ ideaologies are so deeply engrained into their identities, there is no convincing. For some, there’s no talking to them, they don’t engage in dialogue genuinely, they twist Democratic forums, insisting on being heard while advocating for policies that ultimately aim to marginalize and silence others, constantly playing the victim while insisting the strength of their ideas on the sole basis of their opinion being fact.

    Completely agree.

    A simple saying sums up my feelings on the far right and their fascist dreams. It was popularized during Trump’s Muslim ban

    I’m so grateful people like you exist and stand up. I don’t know you personnally, but seeing people like you and the ones in the picture helped me get out of my privileged apathy and start trying to make things better.

  • Proton has a nice UI and works well (I’ve used it for two years before moving to mailbox.org) but as of 6 months back, I was unable to make it work outside their walled garden. You can subscribe to proton calendar with any other calendar app, so you can read your calendar via caldav, but I found no way to edit it other than using their app.

    I would recommand Proton for a lot of reasons, but if having a caldav calendar matrers to you I don’t think Proton is a good option.

  • They are people.

    Calling them monsters and dehumanizing them separates “them” from “us” and prevents us feom trying to understand how a real person, with intellect, feelings, a family, a social life etc. can get to the point where they do such things. If we don’t collectively at least try and understand it, we have zero chance of preventing it from happening again.

    That being said, I’m not at all making excuses for their actions, which I find seriously violent, disgusting and worrying.