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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Yeah for sure, we have a lot of growing ahead of us before Lemmy truly establishes its own culture.

    I would say that my personal experience has been that there is a significantly higher proportion of non-American Lemmings, as opposed to redditors. Like if reddit is 50% American, my feeling is that Lemmy is closer to 30% American. You can even tell when the Europeans wake up and are active, because they comprise such a large portion of the userbase.

    It’s hard for me to assess if that is reflected in the political content, because I always mostly ignored communities of that type, both on reddit and here.

  • I think Lemmy is going through some growing pains right now. Many of the integral members of the platform, the developers and admins, are overwhelmed with work, because the platform is still in an early stage of development and it’s not as functional as it could be.

    Additionally, the original servers are clashing with the new servers as they attempt to find common ground. A month or two ago, things were much more chill because people were just starting to explore. But now people have strong feelings about other instances and those feelings need to be hashed out. I am confident that we have enough reasonable people on all sides to reach a pragmatic compromise.

    I feel the vast majority of interactions I’ve had with people on Lemmy have been positive. I hope that Lemmy can be a space that transcends the toxicity of the discourse on other social media platforms. But it will probably take some time to achieve that goal.