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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What you call “quiet quitting” IS putting in the work. You even said it yourself - it’s doing exactly what is expected of you.

    What you call “showing initiative” is allowing yourself to be ruled by the whims of a wannabe master. If they wanted you to do more, they should have put that in the job description. And if there’s still work to be done, they should have hired another person. 1 can’t do the work of 2.

  • irmoz@reddthat.comtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    No, you can’t, and don’t try and gaslight me about it.

    You’re either being serious or you’re not. You can’t change your intent based on the response.

    And FYI, critical thinking is exactly what enables me to see through this, taking me from “maybe this guy’s just clueless” to “nah just a troll”.

  • Keep reaching for further and further strawmen

    It’s not a strawman. You think a minimum age is “pointless” because “no one would actually vote for a child”. I transplanted that exact argument into a situation I knew would showcase its absurdity.

    Proving you wrong isn’t a fallacy!

    Democracy requires majorities of people to do anything.

    Majorities can be misled. Surely you’re aware of this?

    A few people voting for nonsense options doesnt do anything.

    It’s not “a few people” though. Trump is actively and increasingly popular despite his obvious crimes.

    A few people murdering actually kills people.

    A bloc of fanatics actually gets their way when organised. That’s democracy.

    If youre worried a majority of people will choose a nonsense option, well then you dont believe in democracy anymore.

    Now that’s a fallacy - A false dichotomy, AKA a black and white fallacy.

    According to you, there are only two options:

    1. I believe people only ever vote rationally.

    2. I don’t believe in democracy.

    This is absurd.