This happens when the spirit of a nation is crushed. For example, the same thing happened under communism.
This happens when the spirit of a nation is crushed. For example, the same thing happened under communism.
It could go either way, depending on who votes and who doesn’t. I’m 32 and I don’t care for left or right politics. From my perspective, Luxon looks like an out-of-touch boomer, but he could get elected by swing voters. That’s if he can appeal to people who believe in careers and mortgages, and all that other wholesome stuff crap.
Luxon is a joke even among the realest right-wing people I know.
I think kiwis are strange in general. We live in a shame based culture, similar to Japan. Top priority is to be seen doing the “right thing”. Wrong think is unacceptable, even in your own private thoughts. No wonder why Reddit became the new TradeMe Forum, people love the downvote feature, because it promotes shame and silence. Other countries have more inquisitive and open-minded citizens.
I think you need a totally off-topic channel for all those posts about police sirens being heard somewhere, or someone asking what is this weird bug in my room. I actually found a weird bug in my room recently, but there are tools to photograph and search, so I didn’t need to ask about it online. It turns out it was a fluffy wee carpet beetle.
Drugs and prostitutes? Sounds like any reasonable motel, anywhere in New Zealand. I went to Timaru for one night a couple of years ago and I was shocked to see that the motels were full of WINZ clients. I thought that only happened in a few parts of the country, but it’s universal. It was a nice motel too! I asked if I could get a discounted rate somehow, but they told me they already had WINZ paying the full nightly price.
Your description is insightful, these places are garbage. They should be knocked down and have purpose-built state housing built in their place. Someone should sneakily try to introduce regulations for this situation, specifically for housing that attracts people at the bottom of society. Make it mandatory to provide social services on site, and if landlords can’t afford it, just force them into selling it ROFL xD
It’s the market, my dude-bro, if you don’t like it, just sell and invest money in something else :-)
Of course Nicola Willis and David Seymour would hate this, but they don’t believe in a free market anyway: they control the trickle of zoned land, and they also control the floodgates of immigration. The market is rigged. These politicians shouldn’t be talking about “the market”. Supply and demand is 100% controlled by government. Only a landlord would say otherwise.
Nice to meet a fellow renter! xD
You don’t have to explain to us what the light bulbs were used for. It must have been for smoking drugs. They could use a spoon too, or melt some drugs in a pot and put it on their tongue. I don’t do drugs but I read The Heroin Diaries, White Line Fever, and Dave Mustaine: A Life In Metal.
That’s why you should know things first hand and not trust reviews. How many times have I seen reviews for restaurants, made by customers who have an entitled attitude, who can’t accept that some businesses struggle to get staff when everyone is sick. Knowing via word-of-mouth is superior. I’m impressed by how reviews can be really good or really bad, but not reflect actual experience.
BRUH. Any light sleeper would wake up when a fully grown bed bug crawls all over them. The guy across the hall from me said that he hated it when bed bugs crawled up his nose while he was asleep. People are just really stupid when they’re in poverty, they just can’t stand up for themselves. Nobody in NZ does anything about mosquito either. You can buy netting for your windows but almost nobody does this because fly screens look bad.
I can’t remember the article but this was 10 years ago, perhaps more. Usually I remember where I lived when I saw a particular article or news story, but in this case I can’t remember. It was during an active conflict. Some Israeli hackers must have edited a page, because there was a comment about child sacrifice in the middle of a BBC article. It said that Jews gave up child sacrifice 3,000 years ago and Palestinians were still practising it.
uh oh, don’t say that, you’ll only bring the mob upon yourself.
They’re now saying it was 15 articles since a year ago.
Whether we have a policy or not, and whether we have allies or not, the politicians certainly lean strongly towards the Pentagon. I remember John Key when he supported a “no-fly zone” over Libya in 2011. Then in 2017/2018 Jacinda Ardern supported missile strikes against Syria, but was aghast when Russia did a similar thing in Ukraine. It’s a trick when they say we have friends, not allies, or that we have an independent foreign policy, or we don’t have one at all. Washington DC rules this country’s foreign policy ideology. It will remain that way until an American aircraft carrier sinks in the South China Sea. Then Wellington will lean toward China. It’s a deception to think that we’re an innocent country that’s completely neutral. Wellington is full of people who are slaves to foreign powers. It’s disgusting yet predictable.
Thanks, I’ll ask Luke how that came about. University costs here don’t fluctuate much, but rent and food have got much worse.
A bank account to chuck donations would be nice, but not rules. They just set this up and there is no problem. Why would you want rules? You’d just end up with another Reddit. Do you need rules for a pub or an outdoor cafe table that has 10 people? The last thing a new website needs, is a debate around what rules should exist. Here, have a fake hall monitor badge and go back to reddit ;-)
I’m going to visit now, to see what these weird political beliefs are. Must be pretty good if you didn’t elaborate :) maybe it involves area 51 and little grey men.
here it is, hopefully in original quality.
The deer is so cute and I like magpies too. I’ve been fascinated by magpies ever since I was chased by one when I was biking a few years ago.
I don’t mind these topics, I think we need real life meetings, not people online who ask “hey has anyone else feel the same way as I do, regarding __________”. If people feel the urge to get this out of their system, they need to do it offline. Supermarket posts need to go into a cancer category. Some topics just crop up every week or month, and there should be a board called cancer, for this purpose. Some of these topics (usually people’s frustrations) wear my patience, but I want to support those people if I can.