• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Linqpad is awesome! Sadly, I don’t get to code in C# for my day job anymore but I still use Linqpad all the time. It’s main purpose originally was for building and testing Entity Framework SQL queries but it will run basically any C# code you plug into it on the fly.

    Now, I primarily use it for testing out design concepts that end up getting translated to TypeScript. I also use it for validating the hot garbage that Elastic Search is serving up on a given day so I can send a nifty little report (Linqpad easily generates and exports tabular data) to the data team to show them that it is in fact their Elastic Search template that is an error laden dumpster fire rather than my code.

    If you’re familiar with C#, F#, or Visual Basic, Linqpad is an incredibly valuable tool.

  • My personal experience essentially echoes what you’ve said. I’ve usually found that when I actually ask Trump supporters, which is probably most of the people I know, what they think and why, they are pretty candid about it. They will also voice frustrations, many of which I can understand or even agree with them on. There is a lot more common ground there than you might think.

    The problem is that most of the issues are complex and nuanced. Not that surprising. Issues that impact the population of an entire country, or even a sizeable chunk of it, are bound to be pretty complex. Here’s where things go off the rails.

    Kind of like you said, Joe Blow from Louisiana is often uneducated at best or a complete moron at worst. Joe Blow does not understand all the complexity surrounding the issues he’s upset about and figures that if he doesn’t understand it, neither does anyone else. He’s also a little too proud to admit he doesn’t understand it.

    This is why Republican party completely abandoned an issues bases platform, aside from completely fabricated pearl clutching social issues like those scary tRaNs PeOpLe or AboRtIoN. They know full well that they have nothing when it comes to meaningful solutions to actual problems and if they did, the few supporters they have with functioning brain cells would start to ask to many pesky questions. A divide and conquer strategy is much simpler and more effective; albeit incredibly destructive.

  • Set up a VPS. Create a VPN tunnel from you local network to the VPS. Use the VPS as the edge router by opening ports on the VPS firewall and routing incoming traffic on those ports through the VPN tunnel to servers on your local network.

    I used to do this to get around CGNAT. I ran RouterOS in a Digital Ocean droplet and setting up a wire guard tunnel between it and my local Mikrotik router.

    It will obscure your local WAN IP and give you a static IP but that’s about the only benefit. And you have to be pretty network savvy to configure it correctly.

    It does not make you immune to DDoS attacks and is honestly more headache to maintain (albeit just a small headache).

  • The strategy is to strip the company to the bones. Anything that can be sold will be sold (Buildings, furniture, IP). And if the company needs it to operate it will be leased back at a monthly rate. All cash this generates is pulled from the company to the PE firm. If they can they will saddle the company with a debt for the purchase of itself, so they can have the company not only pay that back, but with interest (a leveraged buyout). Some of these assets sold off can easily go to other subsidiaries of the same PE firm… such as real estate. Assuring their long term profitability.

    Add in “cry to any reporter that will listen that your business is ‘failing’” and you have the Eddie Lampert (Sears/Kmart) strategy.