Break how? As in the photos aren’t organized, or we just nuked your entire library?
Break how? As in the photos aren’t organized, or we just nuked your entire library?
I think we’ve all been conditioned to clutch pearls at the news like this.
But ironically Trump has removed any and all decorum. Even when he was shot, people gave no shits, because he’s a piece of shit that gives no shits.
So here we are. There’s still some that want to “virtue signal” because violence and hate is never the answer! Meanwhile people are being ground into desperation, so your pearl clutching can get fucked.
The the amount of work and responsibilities the presidency is actually waaay underpaid. CEOs on the other hand get paid like they run the world, while in reality they are just sucking dick.
I always hear this argument, and it seems like straight up CEO propaganda. I remember how failing businesses HAVE TO hire multi million dollar CEOs and fire employees becuase how else will they get good leadership!
Motherfucker, your previous CEO also had the same salary and sent you into bankruptcy.
Oh Republicans have zero, no scratch that negative 100 moral authority.
As for winning future elections it really depends on if Democrats make some massive changes.
The problem is that in practical terms it is a landslide, because of the way our shitty system is setup. They have control of all 3 branches now.
Common Democratic PR fumble.
I swear to God, the Dems PR team is all Republican undercover agents.
I’d argue he pardoned way worse people.
It’s another one of those whack a mole words people are pushing. Once everyone gives in and we start using unhoused, it will suddenly switch to uninhabited because it’s racists to houses or something!
It’s annoying as hell, because instead of fixing the issues we’re mastrubating about words and alienating people that we need to fix the issue.
I always wondered what data does reddit actually have? Even if they had IPs and people posting, I’m John Smith, how exactly is Nintendo going to prove anything in a court of law? IP is not a person, and talking about shit online isn’t the same as doing it.
And most of all, are they going to sue and investigate 10,000 people?
I don’t get any of this fear mongering. I think this is all just aimed at shutting down communication channels, they aren’t going to go after individuals talking on the internet
Democrats love blue balls
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This is all bullshit, designed to start another wave of outrage. Even after the election, we’ve gotta have more stuff to rage about. News these days is just rage all day every day, no matter what.
You seem… stable…
The saying works for day to day random bullshit. Not when a cocksucker buys a media outlet specifically to spread lies.
Anyone dumping in an entire sex, race, religion into the same bucket IS a loser.
Women, just like men, should pick and chose mates they are attracted to and share values with. If that means it’ll naturally filter out magats, all the better.
But depriving yourself of human connections because an orange clown won an election is only hurting yourself. I guarantee you that Trump doesn’t give a shit who or if you date.
I don’t really know how this myth? paradox is supposed to work? I know infinity isn’t a number but a concept and in theory I understand what it’s trying to say, but if I have an infinite amount of scrap yards and infinite amount of tornadoes, they can go on forever, but they’ll never assemble a Boing 747.
If you are a woman voting Republican you are literarily voting for people that see you as subhuman. They do not respect you or your bodily autonomy.
So everything. You could have just said everything.