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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • mako@lemmy.todaytoTechnology@lemmy.worldStack Overflow and OpenAI Partner
    2 months ago

    It would take a super genius to understand that they’re either a non-native English speaker or made a simple typo/autocorrect issue. Also, since it’s completely impossible to even guess at the point they’re trying to make through the context of every other word in their comment we all owe you a debt of gratitude for calling this out!

    Thank you, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, for adding something incredibly meaningful to the conversation and the world as a whole!

    Oh no… I just saw this comment in a different thread from 2 hours ago, and it MAKES NO SENSE:

    Doctors today face a demand form their services that, while we can’t guarantee will get them.jigher wages, can give them more leeway against unwritten political rules of speech.

    What is a doctor’s “demand form?” And “them.jigher” isn’t a term I could find anywhere on the internet! I don’t understand what the author, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, was trying to say! It’s all just gibberish!

    I feel good calling it out though. I’m sure that corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca will be grateful for my much-needed help and not think I’m a dick for detracting from their point to assert my knowledge of English grammar over them.

  • You can’t fix the problems caused by capitalism with capitalism. Those homeless people employed by that beautiful company in your made up example don’t have a home because companies and the governments they write the laws for value profit over human life. Homelessness is overwhelmingly a mentally health issue which becomes an addiction issue, but here in the US all health care, much less mental health care, is a for-profit venture. And the open market that you seem to respect so much has made renting and home ownership unattainable for countless millions.

    You sound like everyone else who believes everything they learned in econ 101, that capitalism rights itself because it’s in people’s best interests to do so. You’re out of touch with the reality of so many peoples lives, and you only emphasized it with your fantasy about “good capitalism.” You can blame all of Lemmy or all the “brainwashed” people who tell you how far your perception of reality is skewed, but I hope you can continue learning about what life is like for people who don’t have your privilege or luck and are moved to reconsider your stance.

  • I don’t get the aggression people have for someone using different brand.

    People identify the business decisions that Apple makes to be anti-consumer. They then feel frustration and anger for users of Apple products as support for their products only emboldens Apple to continue making anti-consumer decisions, such as the subject of this article.

    Apple is a microcosm representation of the evils of capitalism for many people and they project their feelings about it - powerlessness, disgust, anger, etc. - onto users of Apple products. People associate support for iPhones which enjoys a 61% US market share as support for the boot of capitalism on our throats regardless of whether the Apple user doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or doesn’t agree.

  • Multiple things are true at the same time. He’s better for humanity than his alternative, he’s not a reality show fuckwit, but doing his job is not a positive as it almost entirely entails keeping everyone firmly under the boot of capitalism. He’s made improvements within the totally broken system and also done nothing to change the totally broken system.

    I am in no way glad that he’s our president but I’m glad it’s him over the orange monster.

  • mako@lemmy.todaytoOpen Source@lemmy.mlDon't be that guy.
    5 months ago

    But he is a bad person.

    People like that don’t deserve patience and understanding.

    These black and white statements won’t do you or anyone else any good. We understand that an inconsiderate or rude act doesn’t define a person when we can believe that about ourselves and love ourselves despite our many mistakes and cringe-worthy incidents.

    When we love ourselves we begin to offer others the same grace and understanding we allow ourselves. We see the myriad reasons we don’t think or act how we’d like to and realize that everyone else’s life is just as difficult and confusing, and often for reasons we’ll never see or understand.

  • It’s both a blessing and a curse to be so unaware of what’s happening around you. To think it’s “insane” that a white supremacist placed 1488 on an elevation map says that you neither understand how incredibly easy that would be to accomplish and that you aren’t aware of the rising tide of racial hate that was invigorated in 2016 and hasn’t felt much pushback since.

    It’s so not “insane” that it could easily be the most likely reason for splashing 1488 across TV screens around the country during the last regular season football game of the year.

    Nazis and racists are everywhere. They work everywhere. They live everywhere. And they’re feeling incredibly emboldened and inevitable. Whatever reason you choose to believe that led 1488 to be displayed so prominently for everyone to see, an inescapable fact is that every racist that saw it BELIEVES that it was intentionally placed there and got a jolt of dopamine feeling that their message is spreading, that “their time is coming.” That’s the actual insane part.

  • That’s definitely plausible, though I don’t think it’s the most likely scenario. Intentionally choosing that extremely hateful Nazi code without any other context or understanding would only serve to grab the attention of Nazis or people who know that it’s a code used by Nazis. Using this thread as anecdotal evidence, it’s not mainstream and many people don’t know it exists/think that is a big deal. I don’t see CBS advertising their new show which otherwise makes zero reference to white supremacy or Nazis by using a Nazi code.

    I find the most likely reasoning to be that it way placed there intentionally but with plausible deniability to the graphic artist. “I just used a picture of an elevation map because he goes and finds people in the wilderness!”

  • I’d I hadn’t lived through the last 8 years, I would absolutely agree.

    Unfortunately, Nazis and white supremacists have felt more emboldened and accepted than they have since WWII. Their talking points and ideologies are becoming “just another opinion” instead of a poison that must be excized. Their codes - like 1488 - are becoming more mainstream so that real Nazis and edgy teens alike blast it everywhere.

    Sure, it’s not impossible that it’s a random number on a elevation map that shows no other elevations and displays the elevation prominently right above the lead actor’s name. At the very best that’s a huge oversight by a graphic designer and anyone else charged with reviewing the ad before it’s played across the country.

    I find it to be more likely that it’s intentional and someone slipped it in to a part of the ad that flashes in the screen for less than a second to promote and strengthen their movement.