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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • massacre@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe Fediverse
    4 days ago

    Truly, email is (thankfully) mostly unspoiled as a protocol since it’s beginning. Other than minor improvements and additions like HTML and spam filters and the like, anyone can host an email service and interface with anyone else on the Internet with the same protocol.

  • If you’re going to repeat russian propaganda - it’s TWO fucking candidates blind to genocide and the one who is now the first ever US President convicted of a felony has repeatedly made comments that he wouldn’t even hold back on Gaza and likely would accelerate it to “finish the job”. Biden is no fucking hero here, but Trump is objectively worse on Israel-Palestine if you are a single issue voter. And Isreal-Palestine generally doesn’t break the top 5 for single issue voters in the US, so please… please… stop with this.

  • Vastly overestimate? You mean against their self-reported and self-serving emissions monitoring numbers? What a crock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2oL4SFwkkw has a very well researched (and entertaining for this sort of topic) video. You show us all this “legitimate proof” of actual real-world emissions and we’ll see who funded it and when. Oh, and it better be current because we have satellite emissions tracking of the entire world which show JUST how full of shit industry numbers have been. Methane is 80x worse as a greeenhouse case than carbon dioxide. We’re leaking it globally at MASSIVE rates. We should be making it so expensive to have emissions that every petro company on the planet seals those leaks. At least when it’s burnt it’s mostly CO or CO2 and H20 emissions.

    Go ahead - let’s see who is defining the “real-world data” estimates, who funds that research, and maybe then I’ll consider believing the “softening” paragraph at the end that this is somehow just a thoughtless over-reach because the current administration couldn’t afford to wait. This isn;'t government overreach, this is a planet dying from greenhouse effects and in the midst of the anthropocene extinction (i.e. human activity killing species all over). If we don’t curtail the petro industry, then WE. ARE. FUCKED.

  • Exactly - so people like Ahmed Moor are either not voting for Biden or voting for Trump, when those two are equivalent. The same Trump who encouraged Israel to “finish the job”. He’d be thrilled to glass Palestine.

    I keep seeing this same messaging and can only conclude Russian influence to put out this message as wide and frequently as possible. If you are brown or you are muslim or an immigrant and not a White CIS man, Trump HATES you. He thinks you are scum. You might disagree with Biden, you might think he should cut off Israel, and you might think not enough is being done to earn your vote, but your only reasonable alternative, Trump, is demonstrably worse FOR THE SAME REASONS YOU ARE WITHOLDING YOUR VOTE FROM BIDEN.