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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • I got banned from the Kraken crypto exchange after waiting a year for them to approve me and after providing all my IRL credentials.

    Told me I was banned, never to come back, and that they were going to report my fraud attempt to the authorities. Of course they refused to tell me what they thought I did, which didn’t make any sense because all I had been able to do was make an account and make a verification request.

    Never really even looked at crypto again beyond mining dogecoin for fun.

  • mlg@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlFlathub has passed 2 billion downloads
    8 days ago

    I’m gonna be honest I’ve never had a flatpak version of something ever work properly.

    There was even one popular media player that only came in flatpak form or otherwise build from source.

    So obviously, for no reason at all, it barely functioned compared to other applications I had already tried.

    Congrats to you people put there somehow running things like Steam with no problems lmao.

  • I like how all these answers involving science fail to realize that the scientific method was used exclusively by many scholars and students who had no historical evidence of giving up their religion.

    Empirical evidence is as old as humans, and afaik the modern scientific method has been in use since the Islamic golden age if not older.

    The key here is that many of these people did not consider religion an empirical issue but a philosophical and ethical one. Particularly with the monotheistic religions, this would make sense because you can easily argue that it would be impractical to test for the existence of God.

    I think a better question would be why do people believe in their respective religion if it contains a glaring contradiction(s).

  • The hardware and firmware supports it and we have inter protocol solutions to handle edge cases.

    The problem is that when the Ipv4 addresses actually ran out, ICANN realized that a metric ton of them were in use because people, especially businesses, were not using NATing.

    ICANN (ARIN) slowly grabbed the addresses back, and NATing became the standard so no one really cared that much anymore because the amount of public addresses actually needed was significantly reduced.

    Other things like SPN, updates to SSL, and various other address sharing technologies reduced the need for individual public ipv4 addresses even further.

    There’s still a shortage and a wait list to get new addresses, but it’s not critical so people don’t have that much of an incentive to switch to ipv6.

  • I don’t get why people think this idea is equivalent to stuff like internet access bans or COPPA, it’s a warning label, not an “enter your ID” to access page.

    They never banned cigarettes, but putting a giant warning on the box did help in vilifying cigarettes as very unhealthy and wrong.

    I doubt it’ll go anywhere in this age of government, but its exactly the type of thing I would have gone for if I were tasked with solving a societal issue. It’s smart because it has no real effect on access, so social media companies would have a harder time fighting it, but it also gives a big bloody warning which does have a substantial psychological impact on users.

    iirc someone did something similar with a very simple “are you sure?” app that gave a prompt asking if you were sure you wanted to post something or send a text. Just having a single prompt was enough for many people to reconsider their stupid text or comment.