don’t necessarily need one if they are power efficent enough.
don’t necessarily need one if they are power efficent enough.
Zionists are far more likely to be evangelical death cultists than Jewish people know their holy book says their god took away their homeland because they displeased him.
The app or piefed as a whole?
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Have you settled on anything yet? I really like the essentials part of zen but incompetence on that level scares me.
I don’t really get it. There are so many people acting like this is a US exclusive thing too, the far right parties have been on a rise globaly for years.
I don’t understand the idea that the global super power collapsing will only be bad for the citizens and the neighbors that I have seen some people say. Unless China/the EU steps up right now millions will starve in developing nations and 100s of thousands more will die from preventable diseases.
Government spending is a lot of countries is going to have to be taken out of other programs to strengthen lacking military power and kick start their own R&D efforts.
Global oil prices will rise since it will basically become a complete monopoly. And many countries that have lent money to the US will likely suffer as well besides that economically.
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Im hoping the run walz and AOC. Before they gagged him he was getting dem voters energized in the way that trump is able to do with his cult. and AOC is doing really good things all around the country.
More than anything just not fucking newsom that is the one dem I will not vote for even if trump is running a third time because I think he would keep doing the same exact shit that trump is doing under the guise of meeting in the middle.
a lot of them died because they never bring in new people and people leave for a variety of reasons.
that is indeed how you mention someone. Yeah being pedantic for the sale of it isn’t something I understand. Unless it impacts my ability to enjoy the story I couldn’t care less.
I have read some novels where their history straight up breaks if you think about it for too long. Not saying this happened in this case but I read a fantasy novel that had a history that implied that people existed in the wrong times. Like this person was said to have died in X year yet someone met someone who was born in X+100 years.
Its clearly trump derangment syndrome"
-a pedophile who doesn’t deserve a name.
any better suggestions?
I think I’m going to bake something this weekend. Maybe my version of the chocolate chips recipe my great grandma taught me.
all religions change. The gnostics were my favorite offshoot because it seems more believable then God being good after committing multiple genocides.
Every single one. They ethier white wash (not in the making people white way but sometimes they too) or villify everything about it. There is no place for nuance in modern retellings for some reason.
I use the web player since I like listening to podcasts while I play games and antena pod doesn’t have one
I mean AGI is possible unless causality isn’t true and the brain just is a “soul’s” interface for the material world.
But who is to say LLMs are the right path for it.
Wirelessly. Like an NFC tag.
Not saying it would be super practical but if you custom shaped them you could put a wire coil around all of the non seeing parts of the eye.