Both the news site and the browser site worked for me.
In the lat 80s / early 90s, my SO and I saved up for 7 years to be able to afford the down payment for our first home. Now, that would be more like 20 years, which is too much.
Time to consider moving to Europe or Costa Rica or Mexico City or somewhere, if you’re in that boat now.
Lol, see the other comment here! :)
Mess with grub, without really understanding what you’re doing.
Also, “meep”.
I don’t see anything about that on their site.
Oooohh. TIL. Thanks!
I use Memos and love it.
I connect to it from my desktop at home and from my phone via a WireGuard VPN and it’s everything I need. Worth a look, I think.
If you go this route, OP, and have an Android phone, then you should know the (very sad and disappointing) news that SyncThing for Android is about to be shut down.
I like the winter. I moved to where I live now specifically so I could experience seasons (Southern California has one season all the time)
Also, your post reminded me of this Smashing Pumpkins song.
It’s nice out, isn’t it?
I could not be happier that you made this art into a meme, OP! :)
True, and likewise, the same for you to ignore it.
Lol, no. Just spat some out.
If “most of the internet” misunderstands you, then you need to work on your communication skills.
No. Is he though?
There was a leak? Where?
/ end of thread
What COM Port is your mouse on?
That question got me. SO glad we got past setting IRQs and setting up modems and dip switches and all that.
More consumption, less thinking, eh. :|