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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • what they did was clearly terrible, but at the same time, this is what happens when you make the age of consent for this stuff 18. you could make the exact same argument about military service, they use all the same tactics. I hope they win and get some money and a piece of their dignity back, but what’s done is done. raise your kids right, and don’t normalize objectification of women, teach your daughters to be strong, and they’ll never have to respond to a sketchy ad about “modeling” in the back of some city rag.

  • that sucks im sorry. not all of us are like that. i became a christian while tripping on psychedelics. jesus said we are all made perfect in the image of our creator and that we aren’t to judge anyone as god will sort it out later. “vitriol” was never a part of the gospel. however, i must also point out that you are just as capable of judging and hurting people as anyone else. i would humbly suggest that your paragraph above is highly judgemental, lumps large groups of well-meaning people in with extremists, and is not an example of the tolerance and open-mindedness that you value. would you like to hear about my psychedelic experiences where i found god?

  • well, at least they paid you back for it. that’s actually quite respectable of them. and if they didn’t, it would have been a class action lawsuit, so kind of a moot point all around. You got your money back. I recommend using it to obtain several tiers of backup hard drives and make sure you have two physical copies of every piece of media you feel is not replaceable. Because some day, you won’t be able to replace it. the corporate dream is nobody owns anything, you just have to jack into their “stream” and consume whatever they feed you. the funniest thing is, people are already getting a head start on that dystopian future. they’re doing it to themselves, by actually paying for shitty streaming services. You really shouldn’t do that, as it only emboldens them.

  • love the UPS and healthcare workers stuff…but…fast food? I’d like to see every fast food place go out of business. Celebrating a bit higher wages from mega-corp fast food places seems a bit…odd, considering fast food is a cancer on society. although i guess if paying the higher wages squeezes them more, i’m all for it. But seriously…who in their right mind even goes to fast food places these days? it’s basically setting fire to your own money and health.

  • its not some conspiracy. the more complex, durable and water proof a phone is, the harder its going to be to repair or replace a component or battery. the nice thing is that now that the technology is mature and basically good enough to do anything fairly well, people won’t need to upgrade for tech or feature reasons anymore. Now it will just be a trade-off between durability and water/dirt resistance, and repairability.

    Also, people have no clue how to care for batteries. phones get left in hot cars at 100% charge, left in the sun at the beach at 100%. There is no BMS or hardware battery protection mechanism that can protect against that. Those batteries are fucked and will need to be replaced. And replacement means breaking the water seal around the phone, so it’s annoying and expensive. it’s just the way it is. you are responsible for your battery, and the better you treat it, the longer it will last.