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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I don’t understand the need for Ctrl-C/V, when manually copying the text exists. I know it’s snarky, but that’s the level of difference we’re talking about here. Or imagine, to delete a line, someone Right Arrows 50 times, then backspaces 50 times, instead of using the shortcut.

  • Imagine a website where EVERYONE sees the exact same content. You could just calculate that content once, save the result, and give everyone that pre-calculated result. This is called caching (roughly speaking).

    Now imagine the other extreme: NOONE sees the same content. That means you have to do your (comparatively) expensive calculations every single time. That requires a lot more compute power, esp. if you want to maintain a decent speed.

    Most websites aren’t entirely one or the other, but in general anything customizable will make things just a little less cache-able, and therefore everything a little more compute-intensive. Blocking is one of those customizations.

  • I agree that not everyone can go 0%, but the vast, vast majority can. Especially if we’re talking about people with access and time to chat on some internet platform, aka everyone reading this.

    Not every man can stand up for womens rights either. For example, his sexist boss might constantly make sexist jokes about his coworkers. He needs the job, though. He can’t afford to do the right thing. Do you think, therefore, it’s a good thing to ALWAYS BRING THIS HYPOTHETICAL UP, whenever the topic is that men should stop supporting the patriarchy, feminism is good, etc.? If non-feminists were the ones always bringing up the exceptions, would you believe they actually cared?

  • So tomorrow all politicians decide to do the right thing. Meat (just as one example) suddenly costs 5 times as much, because environmental and animal welfare regulations (ones with teeth, this time). In what universe do you think the population would accept that???

    ANY sustainable policy change absolutely REQUIRES the support of the voting population. And that’s a million times easier in a world with even just 10% vegans. Any collective action is comprised of INDIVIDUALS choosing to participate, and do their part.