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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I can only assume they see it as a double edged sword. Rights-holders (read: publishers, labels & studios) would have the power to sue here, not creators (read: artists, musicians and filmmakers).

    These rights-holders also want to use AI so they don’t have to pay or deal with creators, so while they don’t love that other companies are making money off their content, they’re more just mad that someone else did it first before they could exploit their own content in the same way.

    Sue and set precedent, and they might accidentally make it impossible for them to turn around and do the exact same thing once they have the technical know-how.

    Entirely speculation, but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me.

    EDIT - As another commenter mentioned, I broke my own rule and commented without reading and this was discovery as part of an ongoing lawsuit. I did say it was entirely speculation though, and I still think this is why you don’t see so many AI related lawsuits in all the areas there is just tons of content generation. I also still think this is a “mad they couldn’t get there first” situation.

  • Sonos. Recent app troubles aside (it’s really not that bad, just kind of clunky for certain tasks), the longevity alone make them so worth it. Despite being essentially computers/smart home devices, they support 10+ year old devices in their latest app, older devices in their S1 Controller app, and the sound quality & setup ease is amazing.

    Plus, they have pretty good Black Friday sales and make it easy to build piece by piece if pricing is too high. You can also used replaced pieces to build a sound system in another room.

    Over ~3 years I started with a Beam, then bought a Sub and two Play:1s as rears. Bought an Arc, moved the Beam to the bedroom. Just recently I bought 2 Arc 300s as rears/upward firing Atmos speakers, and moved the Play:1s to the bedroom. Resale value stays high so if you have no use for a piece, you can sell it and get 50%-75% of what you paid out of it easily.

    There are cheaper devices with better sound quality out there, but nobody else can compete on the whole package with Sonos.

  • In your initial comment, you said “having people vote for a random name could be disastrous”. That is pure speculation, based on nothing. Other countries do it and have for a very long time, it is absolutely not “disastrous”. Flawed? Possibly, all systems are. But perfectly functional and as good or better than optional voting.

    Thinking that Americans for whatever reason are unable to do this when other culturally similar countries can manage just fine and have without anything “disastrous” occurring can only be interpreted in one of two ways:

    1. You aren’t aware that this already occurs in other countries and thus are just speculating randomly with no information.

    2. You think Americans are special in one way or another, and evidence from other countries where this is successfully used isn’t applicable because “reasons”.

    I assumed it was option 1. From your follow up comment, it’s clear that it is actually option 2. I apologize for assuming you were uninformed, but option 2 is arguably much worse. It’s still American exceptionalism, just not a positive version.

    Personally, I think you could handle it and it would be an improvement. Despite you branding me as anti-American, I apparently have more faith in your countries competence than you do.

    It will never happen for a myriad of reasons, but they have nothing to do with the efficacy of compulsory voting, and everything to do with those in power knowing how to effectively manipulate the current system.

  • I didn’t assume anything, your point was “well if we tried that, what if this thing happened” like there is no way to tell. There IS a way to tell, look at the other countries that have already done this.

    It’s irrelevant whether or not you are for or against the examples I used. I just find it uniquely American to act like if it isn’t currently what Americans do, then nobody must have ever tried it and to speak of the idea as if it is purely theoretical.

    If you’re against it and care, then next time instead of fear mongering in the theoretical, you can educate yourself and offer an informed opinion instead, using real data from the many countries where this is already a thing.


  • Why do Americans always act like other countries don’t exist?

    Whenever these kinds of things get brought up Americans act like these are radical new ideas that have never been tried before so obviously we must carefully consider the potential issues in the purely theoretical.

    You aren’t that special. Universal health care works. Gun control works. Mandatory voting works. All of these things have been tried in other countries and have been policy for decades or centuries in those countries.

    You don’t have to speculate on what might happen based on zero information. You can use the oodles of real world data at your fingertips where these are tried and tested solutions to problems.

  • For anyone on iOS, you can do most of this there too. On older iPhones you need a lightning to USB-A adapter you can get on AliExpress for like $3, but on USB-C iPhones it works directly.

    The Files app has become like a full file manager, with local storage, unzipping, archiving, SMB connections, as well as most cloud storage services connect to it. Download Keka from the App Store and you can even unpack 7z, ISOs, everything you can do on a desktop.

  • If you wore a shirt that says “there is no god” you would likely be sent home. It’s antagonistic, regardless of how you feel on the issue.

    I know if I was a 7th grader and this stupid little shit and his dickhead friends wore this into class, I would feel it was equally antagonistic, except far worse because it seeks to upset a minority that is already going through the wringer.

    It runs contrary to the purpose of a school, which is to educate. Your other examples are more of a case-by-case thing, but if a Christian student said they were offended by that shirt, then the student might be asked to not wear it in the future.

  • But those end up being the same in practice. If you have to put up a disclaimer that the info might be wrong, then who would use it? I can get the wrong answer or unverified heresay anywhere. The whole point of contacting the company is to get the right answer; or at least one the company is forced to stick to.

    This isn’t just minor AI growing pains, this is a fundamental problem with the technology that causes it to essentially be useless for the use case of “answering questions”.

    They can slap as many disclaimers as they want on this shit; but if it just hallucinates policies and incorrect answers it will just end up being one more thing people hammer 0 to skip past or scroll past to talk to a human or find the right answer.

  • The bar and Tinder are not the exclusive domain of hookups. I met my partner of 5 years on bumble, my friend met his wife on Tinder.

    I think the advice others are giving is true to some extent, work on yourself and good things will come, but for most people you also have to go the extra mile and put yourself out there.

    Put yourself on the apps. Go to clubs, leagues, meetups, socials, events, parties etc. In general, say yes instead of no and talk to people instead of not. If something starts to develop you can give out those vibes that you’re looking for something more serious, and people will self-select.

  • Yep. I used to upgrade my iPhone every year just because smartphones were moving fast in the 2010-2020 era. Now, I’m on a three year cycle and barely even notice.

    I’ve resold every iPhone I’ve ever owned for 50% of the value or more, and I manage a fleet of iPhones for my job and we still have 5Ses in the wild for people. Apple still provides critical security updates for those devices and we’re at 11 years for those devices. Most people have 7 year old iPhone X era devices and I get almost no complaints or dead devices.

    iPhones have ridiculous longevity and hold resale value better than any other device.