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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I can absolutely see growing unrest if this continues. It was a bit close for comfort during the peak of BLM, but I can absolutely understand why it happened.

    Good summary, I got about the same impression. Looking in from the outside it seems so obvious that there is a lot of corruption, consolidation of power, consolidation of wealth, but I guess it’s difficult to do anything about.

  • I can understand that you feel that way, is there any of your rights that seems safe? And from what I can gather there’s not a majority behind those changes - it’s a religious minority that one side needs in order to get a majority that is allowed to dictate this direction?

    I haven’t seen The Handmaids Tale, but I’ve heard it’s good, and I’ve put it on my watchlist.

  • Those vocals are pretty good for being computer generated. It’s no replacement for greats like Bowie, Simone, Jagger, Winehouse, Yorke, etc, etc, but it’s not supposed to be. Sometimes it’ll do the trick, sometimes it’ll be a necessity, it’ll work for some backing vocals, demos, sketches, songwriting experimentation, guide vocals, and so on. I hope we’ll see awesome AI tools being used to make awesome music.

    I definitely have that fear myself, but I hope human resilience hangs in there. Besides, I don’t think I’d care if the masses listen to bland shit by 17 songwriters or bland shit by AI ;)

  • There has been synths that has been used to trigger vocal samples, among other things, for like 40(?) years, and this almost sounds like an evolution to that?

    There are a lot of technological innovations in music (vax roll recording, tape recording, DAW recording, tube amps, transistor amps, amp modellers, Mellotron, analog synths, modular synths, digital synths, soft-synths, etc, etc, etc), and I think there’s surely more to come, and awesome new music to be made possible from the technological advantages.

    I agree that the technology is not the problem, but how it’s used. If, let’s say, giant corporations feed all of human art into their closed, proprietary models only to churn out endless amounts of disposable entertainment, it would be detrimental to the creation of original art and I’d look upon that as a bad thing. But I guess we as a society has decided that we want to empower our corporate overlords at the expense of ourselves, to go far off topic of the original thread :/