Thanks for the feedback. Now I know I fucked up by over-buying when I decided to return to playing with servers last summer. I at least had plausible deniability in my own head. Oh well, cheers.
Thanks for the feedback. Now I know I fucked up by over-buying when I decided to return to playing with servers last summer. I at least had plausible deniability in my own head. Oh well, cheers.
I would avoid VirtualBox because it’s from Oracle, but that’s me. KVM is close to the metal (it’s in the name: Kernel-based Virtual Machine). Takes a bit more setup (depending on your familiarity with things). I’d go there.
Yeah, I don’t really get this one. The class clown is the kid who recognizes a function of a tool, correctly at that. Unlike a dipshit lawyer who let it hallucinate bogus case law. Hilarious.
Glad to see my state’s AG is there. I knew he would be, but I always confirm.
Nailed it.
There goes everyone who knew anything about how to run things.
My dad’s third wife told me she shouldn’t have even paid for my plane ticket when he died. She married into extreme comfort, so this was a truly hateful statement. It was the most petty thing I’ve ever heard. She has always been a monster. I resolved never to interact with her ever again.
She got an extraordinary payday when my dad died. For her to get what she deserves, she’d have to shack up with a con artist who swindles it out of her. I don’t care about her enough to think about her now that she’s out of my life. Hideous, gross person.
It’s amazing what can be run on a single Pi board. It makes me (somewhat) ashamed of the massive compute that I’ve put behind my hobby projects. But then again, I like performance. I’m curious how responsive everything is on this setup?
Because it was the last Mac that could boot into MacOS 9. And we all know what that means…
Tried the demo. Pretty spiffy.
I think this is a good time to promote a blog and podcast that I like:
You can order metal statues of Baphomet on Etsy. Mine helps me feel a little better when I read shitty stuff like this. He watches over me from the top of my bookshelf.
It’s about time. Those poor christians have always been marginalized in the USA, just like white men who own property. And billionaires. And the 1% in general. When will someone finally think of them?
If you can’t read sarcasm in the above, you’re too illiterate to be on the internet. Get off the internet.
It seems pretty evident that the election was outright stolen, and I have a hard time believing nobody in power suspected something that many of us immediately called, not with the mountains of evidence that’s been stacking up for months, years even. So why didn’t they do anything? Why did they wait until Trump was sworn in to even talk about it?
No, dems just did a piss-poor job of motivating people. I voted for her, but she wasn’t offering much other than an alternative to him. Same as ever.
Repubs motivate their people with lies and slander, but it’s still motivational for hate-mongers. Don’t sound like they did when Biden won. It wasn’t stolen. Dems failed us.
I don’t celebrate old people getting injured (my father fell and broke a hip shortly before he died), but I won’t be sad when McConnell’s dead.
I think maybe I’ll just open an online shop that sells everything that’s illegal. Only I won’t ship anything and I’ll keep all the money for myself. It won’t take long for that to catch up to me, but it’ll be fun for about five minutes.
“There’s a first time for everything.”
No, not if I don’t do that thing. I will not have a first time for murder. Getting murdered might be out of my control, but I won’t commit one.
Yeah, when George Soros does it, he does it quietly.
It’s sarcasm. Leave me alone.
Because the IRS doesn’t come for the wealthy who cheat. They come for the typical who cheat. And you know the IRS under Trump is gonna squeeze the lower classes like a beast.
Further, early Jewish Christians were persecuted by the Pharisees and other Jews who were angry with their breaking Moses’ Law. It was probably only natural to gradually amp up the anti-Jewish sentiment as the Gospels were written because there were open beefs happening in daily life.