• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • I take it on walks for wildlife and usually hand hold there. If your subject isn’t very far and tiny, you can hand hold relatively comfortably. I did get a small rig baseplate to make my a7iv’s grip tall enough so my pinky fits comfortably. I’m 5’11" and kind of chunky, but if you’re a lot smaller the lens may not be as easy to hand hold. In that case even a monopole is enough to make it easier to use the lens, I think. I used to feel shy about carrying my big lens around, but once I got over that, I realized I should use the best thing I’ve got to take photos I enjoy taking. I just got back from a Yellowstone trip where every dude over 55 years old made some comment like “now that’s a camera/lens” when they saw me, but I just laughed and carried on. I wouldn’t be too worried about how you look. Just carry on with the things you enjoy, and get those overly profession photos of your kids’ sports.

  • Maybe the problem is a lot of their marketing relies on the dominance of their search engine (ie sponsored search results, and ads based on user searches, as well as tracking user web usage via their search click throughs and other cookies). If open ai’s products become the go to for questions and basic searches, they will eventually be able to use that dominance to include marketing results in their answers. I think this threat is why they want to try to compete with them to be able to offer an alternative. Because it doesn’t actually have to be better than chat gpt. It just has to be similar enough for people to continue using Google rather than change their habits to use chatgpt, or Microsoft’s implementations of it. Especially with windows 11 where copilot (basically Microsoft rebrand of chatgpt) is built in and you can use it from the task bar. That ease of use may steadily decrease people’s reliance on Google search, which will eventually hurt their ability to sell targeted ads.

  • I have a question about rigid curriculums. This is mostly for high school. Many of my teachers had curriculums and syllabi that they had been using for years and kept them basically the same, and then there were the AP classes where the curriculum was determined by the AP exam. I felt that I learned really well in AP classes and we would get through much more advanced material in the AP classes than in others. And I also felt that the teachers who had developed somewhat fixed curriculums from experience taught much more efficiently than those who hadn’t. It never felt like the teachers were changing their curriculum for each class whether it was an AP class or not because most had their curriculums kind of figured out over the course of teaching for many years. And most of the teachers I had in high school were excellent. So my question is, why is it believed that rigid curriculums don’t work? Because in my schooling experience, whether the rigid curriculum was developed by the individual teacher or by an external organization (like AP), the class seemed to benefit from having fixed goals for the year.

  • Most programming (simple tasks, scripting data analysis, most common web apps, basic automation) is about as difficult as doing your own plumbing (which likely includes fixing a faucet or doing other minor tasks around the house). But just like in any profession, the “professionals” are able to handle the complex tasks that others can’t/don’t want to do. For plumbers that means building the whole home systems to maintain proper pressure/temperature at every outlet, suitable for whatever climate the home is built in, or in commercial settings where the systems are much larger and more complicated.

    Ask a professional plumber which they find more taxing: being bent into awkward spaces on their hands and knees all day, or sitting at a desk thinking hard about a problem someone has likely already solved.

  • Don’t know if it’s a low service state. They have pretty strong welfare programs, despite what Republicans will have you believe. Their public education is ranked pretty similarly to California for K-12, if not better depending on the specific list. Their public universities are among the best in the country. Their hospitals are the best in the country.

    The biggest drawback is that their legislators think they can practice medicine without having the relevant qualifications. But Californian medical laws and viewpoints have their own drawbacks. Let’s not forget, before covid, anti-vaxers were primarily associated with crunchy liberal moms refusing to vaccinate their children. California was among the first to have a resurgence of measles. CA is also a state trying to obfuscate medical roles by allowing advanced practitioners (NPs and PAs) to practice independently (without a surprising DO or MD), as well as allowing naturopaths to identify themselves as physicians. While it’s easier to see the harms of Texas’s medical laws right now, California has had it’s fair share of negative impact on it’s populous.

    A lot of the Republican rhetoric is empty, meaningless, and far from the truth. This is what makes Republican politics so frustrating. They say one thing, want something else, and do something entirely different. As a liberal it makes it difficult to engage in a meaningful conversation with them. But this sort of state comparison based on broad generalizations also increases the divide, while being very unhelpful.

  • I used my Sony a7iv with the 200-600 (took all my images at 400mm f8 iso 100). I made a solar filter from baader film for getting the partial eclipse images (they’re in the video I posted to /c/space, but took the filter off during totality to get this image and a couple of others)

    Oh I also used a star adventurer 2i for tracking during the eclipse so that I could just use a timer to take intermittent images rather than having to continuously readjust the camera.

    Edit - for the future, if anyone is looking for what I used for the filter, I made this holder for Baader film: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6573400

  • Yeah but if someone is searching “why is my wife/husband yelling at me,” the statistics on abuse for that sub-popularion may not be as skewed. And providing resources for men (especially men with children) doesn’t take Google that much more effort/money, and it provides a much needed service. As it stands, it is nearly impossible for an abused man (especially one with children) to seek out help using the types of services that are available for women. So if Google can help with that search a little bit, what’s the harm in showing that info? Aaand, even for someone searching about their abusive husband, the googler may be a man, and most services that are for abused women don’t have resources for men.

  • I used to have a Nikon d3300 (bought on Craigslist with 2 kit lenses, plus bag, and accessories for $300) for 6-7 years. Then I wanted to do nicer portraits so I got the 35mm f1.8 for like $200. Then switched to the Sony system 3 years ago because I wanted to do more wildlife which would’ve required a new camera body because d3300, while an awesome camera, was not it for autofocus and fast shooting. Because I’d need to invest quiet a bit into whatever I chose next anyway, I decided to go with an a7iv, and have been really happy with it. It’s perfect for all the stuff I was doing with my Nikon, along with the wildlife capabilities I was looking for, and for my needs I probably won’t need another camera body (unless this one stops working).

    I’d recommend if all you’re looking to do right now is macro, your current body is likely sufficient and you’ll probably find nice used macro lenses for it on a budget (<$500). I’m don’t have experience with canon so I can’t recommend anything specific, but I’m sure Google can help with that part. If you do decide that you are ever hitting the limits of your current body or are thinking about more expensive professional lenses (think >$1200), that is when I’d consider switching up a mirrorless. Either way, I definitely don’t think you should invest in a new DSLR body right now.

    Also - if you’re looking at new mirrorless, the canon system right now is kind of expensive when it comes to nice lenses. I think Sony is the cheapest because of a lot of 3rd party options. But the price for the bodies is more or less the same. Then there are the m43 brands which I don’t know much about but might also be a nice option.