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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • It would be more accurate if you said, “This is not about right and wrong (for me).”

    If you say it’s not about right and wrong, dead stop, then you are pledging full faith to the institutions, the very ones we are critiquing.

    Basically, you are dismissing my opinion as misguided, dismissing me as missing the point and I am telling you it was expressed exactly as intended.

    In short, you are arguing on the wrong conceptual meta-level for me to respond without dismissing my own claim. If I take as True that “this isn’t about right and wrong” (it is), then I am setting aside the power I have in a democratic society to say, “Fuck this I’m changing it.” Maybe we’ve just been stuck in gridlock politics, with a ruling class that strips and monetizes every aspect of humanity that the society today doesn’t realize the power citizens wield.

    Not sure. Been fun to think and share thoughts with you though. Thanks for your time and have a nice night.

    An impasse is a perfectly acceptable outcome on a sane platform like Lemmy.

  • It’s a quote of an opinion, so in general I ignore them. I’m usually more interested in distilling ideas constructed with some line of reasoning.

    But I guess we can look at this one. Find it’s essence. Tho it doesn’t seem very deep…

    “Societies with rule of law are dictatorships. How leaders are selected and the existence of fundamental Constitutional rights is not a factor.”

    So in short.

    Having laws at all is a dictatorship.

    Yeah, that is one of the opinions I’d ignore. It’s easy to have that opinion inside the walls of a lawed society.

    Luckily it is valid to respond to an opinion with an opinion, and mine is that I imagine everyone (except the strongest with the most resources) would abandon that perspective as soon as they lived in a world with no laws.

  • “Because what is legal is always right.
    And what is right is always legal.”


    In a fascist state, your mindset is welcome, “Well they broke the rule, they must pay,” but do you never abstract one more level? Is the rule itself breaking something?

    Those who downvote you say yes. Nuance is important. The rule has two main affects that I see.

    1. Direct effect (the goal) :Publishers maintain a monopoly on bookselling low value books, the structure of their business preventing any competition.

    Okay lets think about #1. Is that good or bad?

    1. Indirect effect : the members of that society now have a restricted access to knowledge.

    Okay lets think about #2. Is that good or bad?

    Being critical in thought enough to recognize the flaws of the first quote is key.

  • It’s cool. I mean we’ve been historically fine in earnings. It’s not like there was a massive drop in compensation relative to productivity in the 1980s that continues to today. Wait, I suppose there was.

    What is the value of 50 years of under-compensation for the vast majority of Americans? How many homes never purchased, vacations never taken, businesses never started? We can’t afford to do any of that. We barely exist.

    But wait, record stock prices! Woo! Who needs money when the corporations poisoning us with PFAs and lobbying the government to destroy itself are earning more than ever! I mean we can’t afford stocks and 80+% of the market is owned by like 5% of the population, but that’s good! Good and fine!

    I mean sure, people will become homeless, starve, resort to crime to eat, but we should rejoice that the billionaires are living their best lives.

    Given their reluctance to release power, and the size of the imbalance, historically it seems like the lower classes would need to harm members of the CEO class to bring about change, but that is vile and uncivil and no one would want to do that. Plus you’d need a population with nothing to lose and nothing to work for, American workers are more incentivized and happier than ever.

    Go rich people! Take more! And more! And more! And more! Never too much! Surely this impoverished house of cards will stand for millenia!